:blush: Baby Raven has come to work with me the last two nights.
The older cats haven't accepted her yet, and I don't feel comfortable leaving her by herself for 10+ hours, so I pack up some food, toys, rig a teeny little litter box and off we go. I think she enjoys it...not the trip itself, but the change of scenery. The guys just love her, petting her, cuddling and cooing over her. She tucks one of the guys into bed and accepts a good-night kiss, putting a smile on his face before he wishes me "Goodnight!" :hug: Then she follows me around as I do my tasks, and I have to watch where I put my feet, since she seems to like to play 'chicken' with my men's-size-nine CrocsTM.
Oh, but she's an imperious little wench! "MEE-YAAAAAAH!" in a loud, hoarse voice that's bigger than she is and denotes Siamese somewhere in her ancestry... "What do you want, Raven?" Turns out she wants to inspect the dishwasher. From the INSIDE. And to help me clean the bathrooms. And supervise one of the guys when...well, heeding the call of nature. :yoiks: And then mop the floors.
She completely enchanted the oncoming shift :loveya:...they would have liked to keep her there.
She's starting to show signs of growing; she's got a leetle bit more heft to her than she did on Tuesday when I got her (1lb, 6oz). She's still teeny though...hard to believe so much personality can be packed into such a tiny little brand-new package.
I hope the older cats accept her soon...I think they will enjoy having an evil minion baby sister very much. She will definitely be more fun than prey...not only is she more durable but she'll play back and not just try to escape.