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Raven gets her "Captivating" on...

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badgerpup Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-31-11 12:46 PM
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Raven gets her "Captivating" on...
Had two appointments yesterday, took her to both. Asked if she could hang out in the office while I was at physical therapy (swim therapy, which I really like) and they said "SURE!" :hi:

Imagine my suprise, pleasure and happiness (no, really!) when I came out of the locker room and one of the therapists had Raven out of her carrier and was playing with her. :hug:
Judging by Raven's comfort level and the therapist's concentration, this had been going on for a little while...:)
The rest of the office personnel chimed in- "She took some water"..."She's so gentle!"..."She's such a cutie!"..."Raven- is that her name?"...and the one that REALLY made me happy..."Bring her again if you want to!" :loveya:

Next appointment was at the mental health clinic...I wanted my counselor to meet Raven; this was a one-time deal (some people have allergies, phobias, preferences, and I do try to be considerate).
The ladies behind the counter were as enchanted with her as though I'd brought in my very own brand new human kitten!
Raven is getting to be experienced at this 'meet and greet', and again her gentleness with the claws and teeth was commented upon. Kittens are gonna nom on stuff, it's what they do and how they learn about the world...but they are capable of learning there IS a difference between what can be nommed with impunity and what ya gotta be gentle with.

The excuse I use is that the other cats are gone so much they haven't had a chance for the Feliway to kick in yet and they are still hissing at her. I don't want her to grow up to be a weird little 'Mama's Girl' hermit cat, so I'm trying to socialize her properly...and I really don't feel comfortable leaving her all by herself for the 11 hours my workshift entails.

Here are the most recent pics (8/31). She'll be 13 weeks old on Friday the 2nd of September. Kinda small for her age, but that's OK. Diamonds and dynamite and all that...

I wanted to catch her napping in the little house on the cat tree, but she woke up and deigned to pose for me.

I swear she was posing for this one...I thanked her for doing so after taking the pic.

Either contemplating mysteries of the universe...or whether to pounce. It's hard to tell with kittens.
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virgdem Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-31-11 10:49 PM
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1. Wow, those are great pix...
I love your cat tree. Raven's got that "who me" look of a little imp. My late cat Doodle, who looks exactly like Raven, was into all kinds of mischief. I called her an "implet", too small to be an imp, but an imp just the same. You will have much fun with her throughout the years.
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Curmudgeoness Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-01-11 02:49 PM
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2. Squeeee, what an adorable kitty!
You take good care of her, she sounds wonderful. :hug:
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glinda Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Sep-03-11 10:57 PM
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3. Love it! Keep her safe inside now. : > )
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badgerpup Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Sep-04-11 01:42 PM
Response to Reply #3
4. oh, you bet!
She does not go outside without an escort...and is usually carried.

She does accompany me out and about- the boys haven't quite accepted her yet and I don't want her to grow into a weird little "Mama's Girl Only" cat. Carrier or in arms...and she seems to be thoroughly ENJOYING her socialization process.
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japple Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-05-11 09:13 AM
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5. Oh what a precious little girl. There is nothing cuter than a itty bitty
black kitty IMHO. She has such soulful eyes.
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