It appears as though Raven's genetic dice rolled 'small, bitty, petite' when it came to size.
Looked at some pics of Raven and it seems she's changed her proportions from 'kitten' to 'small cat' without a whole lot of overall growth involved.
You know how kittens hit that exponential stage...everytime you look at them, they're twice as big as the last time you did so (three minutes ago)...
turn around
really quickly and you can actually
catch them in the act of growing. :yoiks:
Raven hasn't done that.
Here she is at 12 weeks on the cat tree.

I tried to get the same pose 6 weeks later for comparison purposes...close, but she didn't feel like looking at the camera. :shrug:

At about four and a half months, she's still the size of a kitten about half that age.
Here she is checking out my tree's annual alopecia (under supervision, I do assure you!)
The angle has her tail a bit foreshortened, but the spiky little kitten-tail has lengthened into a graceful venue for communication...long enough that she can easily wrap her front feet when she sits.

Here's a sweet one of Raven and Wimsey.:loveya:
Five minutes earlier they were both asleep and he had his arm across her. I restrained myself from "
Awwww.... and "SQUEEE!" and went looking for the camera, but by the time I found it, they'd awakened and Wimsey had retracted his appendage.

And...just so he doesn't feel slighted or left out, here's one of the mighty D'Artagnan sitting on top of my...excuse me...OUR car.
I like this shot...think it captures not only his lean-and-muscled physique, but his dynamic, coiled-spring quality. His coat really IS that sleek and glossy...
and incredibly silken to the touch. Good thing he likes pets and scritches...

Beautiful boy, my D'Artagnan...
Moi? How can you suggest such a thing? :crazy:
For the record, Riktor is happy, healthy and active. :hi: He just hasn't deigned to pose for the camera lately.