Our little Shih-Tzu rescue is the same size as our cats. To deny her access to someplace is to deny them, too.
Asia has a serious jones for cat poop and cat food. She eats both with gusto. No matter how we limit her food, she gets plenty to eat elsewhere.
We've tried all manner of things to restrict her. Barriers that bar her but allow the cat in get bypassed through sheer tenacity.
Until now. We put a pet gate across the access to our back hallway, litter box and cat food bowls back behind it. The gate looks like this:
See that little offsets at the bottom sides? By adjusting the gate just so, the cat slips in and out freely and the dog can only get her head through. All day she's been hanging out at the gate, looking wistfully at her favorite food, just a few feet away and in full view.
The dog is now at 17.5 lbs. The vet says she should be no more than 10 or 12 lbs. Small as she is, she's actually very obese. We **hope** this will allow us to better control her diet. We've already moved the big dogs' food bowls up onto plant stands where they can reach it and she can't. Or so we thought. Turns out, if she stretches, she can just barely get to the food. So now we've limited the big dogs' food, which confuses them since, all their lives, they were allowed to self-regulate.
Circling back to the start: is cat food high calorie? Is eating it harmful to dogs? I guess I should ask the same questions about cat poop.