breed domestic cats with their wild sudo cousins, i.e., the Savannahs, Bengal mixes, etc. I'll go on record saying these people, along along with those who breed ligers, tigons, etc. should be shot in the ass with a cannon, but that's just me.
Not this July, but the one before, there was a cat damned near starving and dehydrated in our driveway. I took it food and water every day for weeks before it would even consider allowing me to touch it. Weeks went on and she was getting more friendly, and we remarked about her lack of a tail, VERY long front legs and long back legs.
As she was better fed and feeling better she was relentlessly stalking our cat, and it was a behavior that we couldn't break her of, and when it had been months that our cat couldn't go outside without the stalking and a fight ensuing, we tearfully had enough and surrendered the 'cat' to the local Humane Society, as the no kill shelters in this area have pretty much gone under.
She was determined to be a lynx/domestic cat hybrid, which explained her very long legs, thin body and the non-stop stalking of our cat. And I'm sure she met a bad end and I feel awful about that even though we didn't breed her, nor would we.
I guess I just don't understand stupid humans, IMO, who do this type of breeding, along with the other stupid humans who think that breeding tigers, etc. is okay, as most will be put down