OK, so yesterday was the office Christmas party (Raven did NOT attend, though I think she would have enjoyed doing so...:silly:).
Rode with a friend, since the location was waythehell out on the West End, an area I do not frequent and I didn't want to spend half the party driving around lost. :banghead:
Good roast beast, canned green beans, really good taters, paychecks, bonuses and raffles...not everyone won $$, but some folks who went above and beyond in their duties were given not only an award but a standing ovation. :applause:
Time to come home...friend is not familiar with my street, so I'm pointing out my house, using the neighbor's truck parked in front as a landmark. Wimsey is crouching underneath it, watching the world go by.
"Look, Craig...there's Wimsey, under the truck. HI WIMSICLE, I'M HOME!"
Wimsey dashes out from under the truck and runs up my sidewalk beside the car as it's pulling into my driveway. As soon as the car comes to a halt (before I can even open the door), Wimsey levitates onto the hood. "Maow? Mrrrrmmm mrow...." he greets me in his polite little voice. He switches his postion to the hood of the car as I get out, decorating Craig's shiny blue beast with a mosaic of elegant little footprints (it snowed the night before and is rapidly melting off).
Craig laughs and greets my boy- "Hello, Wimsey!" and as I get my purse and walking stick out of the back seat, Wimsey jumps INTO the car...which is SOP with the cats when I take stuff out of the back seat of my...excuse me, OUR car. You could see the instant that he realized this wasn't 'our' car...he jumped right back out, onto the porch and continued his greeting and report.
Craig was charmed and amused...he knows Raven from her coming to work with me and now he was able to see that my other cats are just as clever/sweet/exceptional/sociable/friendly/PURRFECT.
He didn't even fuss about the paw-print motif.
It shouldn't amaze me, but it does...Wimsey demonstrating to me that yet again cats can understand abstract concepts much more thoroughly than we give them credit for. The concept here was 'property'. :wow: As I've said, it's SOP for the cats to greet me by jumping on the car, and for them to 'help' me unload it by getting inside and checking out the loot I've brought home. Wimsey realized that 'Mom in the car' and 'Mom getting stuff from the back seat' did NOT necessarily mean he should be on the hood, the roof, or inside the vehicle...this was not 'our' car. It was someone else's property and there were boundary lines...another thing cats understand and respect. I drew this conclusion from the fact that he jumped onto the porch (not the hood or roof) to continue his greeting.
It's a little thing, but it touches me mightily when the clowder greets me like this (especially in front of somebody!). Cats don't bullshit. If they're greeting you with enthusiasm and affection, it's because that is how they feel toward you. The affection they display and happiness they have in your presence is REAL...and very precious. :loveya: