We have a colony of feral cats at work. Some I've managed to "tame" down enough to be adopted out. Most are still pretty wild and skittish.
There are two pregnant ones that respond to me and one other guy at work. Mainly because we are out there everyday, feeding, petting and talking to them. We're still working on them to get them use to other people and hope to get them adopted soon.
So I go out around 8:30ish a.m. to check on them. Both the females (Simone and Tiger-Lily) come waddling out looking for neck skritches and belly rubs. I check the food/water and it's fine, give them attention and go back into work.
About an hour later I go back out for a quick smoke. Tiger-Lily comes out to greet me - but she's walking funny, looks in distress. I run over and she turns around - MY SURPRISE - there's a kitten being born, about 1/2 out. Lily goes waddling/stumbling into a "cat house" we had built last fall.
She delivers the kitten with no problem. I quickly ran back into the building and gather up some paper towels, alcohol swabs, scissors and anything else I think may be needed.
I arrived just in time to help her clean up #2-kitten. She's tucked into her "house". When I reach in she grabs my arm in a hug, and nuzzles it. I took the 2 kittens out, cleaned them off, made sure they were breathing ok, and there were no blockages in the mouth and nose.
When I put them back in, I also placed my hand on her belly to feel for contractions. She again "hugged" my arm, and then "squeezed" it when a contraction did hit.
about 45 minutes later #3 and #4 were born and doing fine.
On gut instinct - I'm guessing there are 3 girls and one boy. One is a dark grey tiger - probably the boy. Two have brown tiger markings, with some orange/white splotches, and the fourth is mostly black with orange/white splotches on her face and and orange tip on her tail.
I've put in a call to a no-kill humane organization, waiting for a call-back. Hopefully, I can get her and her babies placed this week. I know many of you may be wondering why I just don't take them home... Well, Lily is still a bit "skitish" and we have 4 cats/3 dogs and a foster dog in our home. Not the best environment for Lily or the kittens -- would be too stressful.
I did pick up kitten milk/syringes last night just in case they would need feeding supplement.
Meanwhile - the other pregnant cat - Simone, was appearing to be restless late yesterday afternoon. She was definitely looking for a place, and did not want to "share" a room with Lily. So myself and my boss quickly improvised another cat house for her. She went right into it and laid down. I checked on her before I left work last night and she was ok -- so maybe this morning there will be a few more babies.
p.s.... Since they were born on "D-DAY" I named the "boy" Normandy, the "girls" are named for the Andrew Sisters - Patty, Maxene and LaVerne...
p.p.s.... Yes, I'll post some pics if I have the cooperation of the mommies