because he gets fed as soon as we get home from our walks.

Ben is most likely to balk when I walk him around the little park by my house. If I try to do more than one loop he will try to drag me home instead of starting a second loop. If I follow his lead and head toward home he will RUN the rest of the way home - if I let him. No health issues, not exhausted - just smart and stubborn and determined to get to his food bowl!
I think he is a more reluctant walker in heat - so I take him to a nearby woods that has lots of shade. I am careful to carry water, walk slowly, and let him jump in the creek to make sure he isn't overheating. Still - he often has a good time until I try to do a second loop around the lake - at which point he tries to head back to the car (and food bowl). So, now, I often walk 3/4's of the way along the loop and then turn around to head back to the car. I get in a better walk (which he needs, too) and we don't have to get frustrated with each other about who wins the walk vs. food bowl battle.
One help with Ben is to feed him BEFORE we leave for our walk and/or to take kibbles with me and feed him part of his dinner DURING the walk. He still expects a full bowl of food when we get home - which he does *not* get, though hope will always spring eternal in the Golden's heart!
Ben is my first Golden and he is so human it is ridiculous. He just doesn't go in for walks in the woods as much as my Chocolate Lab. If the Lab and I didn't insist on walking Ben would be just as happy staying at home sleeping and eating and playing with his toys.
So, check out your dog's health until you are absolutely sure all is well. In the meantime, consider taking some kibbles with you during the walk. If her behavior is just some kind of a bad habit (look what she can get YOU to do!) or determination to get back to her food bowl or comfy dog bed - a few kibbles during the walk might work wonders.