If you only knew what a dream come true this is for Simba, you'd be thrilled. For five years (her birthday was yesterday) this dog has chased squirrels, barked at them, watched hopelessly as they taunted her running overhead playing in trees...
Today, I took off her leash at the place in the park where squirrels usually play never thinking she'd catch one. I'm talking to my daughter about how she'd do anything to catch a squirrel. She runs way ahead, and my ever attentive daughter said she thought Simba had caught a squirrel. I looked and she was right.
We caught up and a poor squirrel was laying on the ground. I don't think my dog was able to catch it, so much as it may have been down already. She picked it up in her mouth and then when it didn't "play" back, she left it alone.
While I'm happy for her, I'm a bit scared now--that she may have caught rabies. Never thought about this possibility because I didn't think she'd catch one. Simba's had her shots. I'll just keep an eye on her, she should be fine.