Charlotte-Mecklenberg (NC) Animal Control needs help!
Jo March
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Wed Jul-13-05 12:03 PM
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Charlotte-Mecklenberg (NC) Animal Control needs help! |
Charlotte-Mecklenberg Animal Control is asking for some help to gather supplies to help care for the many animals at the shelter.
If you can help out, please do so. It is tax-deductable!!!! Please PM me if you need more details or email me at arnheim AT domainofarnheim DOT com.
Below is a list of items that are needed for the shelter:
Grooming Needs: Bathing Equipment:Indoor/Outdoor Pet Sprayers
Nail Care: Nail Grinder Kits Grooming Nooses Large Dog Nail Trimmer Kits Hair Clippers: Medium Dog Nail Trimmer Kits Grooming Kits Kwik Stop Styptic Powder Clipper Kits Straight Blunt Point Shear 5 ½ Straight Blunt Point Shears 6 ½ Straight Blunt Point Shears 7 ½ Curved Blunt Point Shears 7 ½ Thirty Tooth Thinning Shear 5 ½ Shear Kits Thinning Shears Clipper Care Kits
Infant Care: Kennel Heating Pads Feeding Bottles Eye/Ear/Dental Care: Eye Pads Ear Pads Dental Pads Bathing Products: Pet Groom Gloves Large Grooming Tables
Combs & Brushes: Rinse Ace Bath Mitt Dematting Rake Pet Wash Glove MatBreaker Shedding Glove Shedding Combs Flea combs Slicker Brush Fine Comb Universal Slicker Brush Undercoat Rake
Drying Needs: Blowers AFTD3 Commander Dryer Towels Quilts
Food Prep Needs: Standard 1 qt. Stainless Steel Bowls Standard 3 qt. Stainless Steel Bowls
Other Needs: Industrial Washer & Dryer Large Industrial hanging fans for kennel areas
We are also taking a collection of cash to purchase the Metro AFTD3 Commander Dryer. It will run around $250.00 with mounting brackets, tax, shipping and handling.
Helpful Web Sites and Stores You Can Visit: Drs. Foster & Smith Pet Smart Petco Pet Supermarket Pet Friends Pet Pros On Line Pet Stores (search pet products) Pet Stores Target Wal-Mart Grocery Stores
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