Hi all, if you don't remember, I have 14 year old Smoke, a grey long-haired domestic that I have had his entire life. His momma had to be put to sleep in March, so in May, I got Sterling, a 10 year old Silver Persian (from Lorien! Thanks Lorien!). I also had a 5 year old Cocker Spaniel, Magic, who had to be put to sleep last month very unexpectedly (pancreatic cancer got him, poor baby). Just wanted to let you all know who Smoke and Sterling are getting along.
Sterling has decided that HE was the one who got rid of the dog. He has become the alpha male of the house, strutting around, being demanding for affection, food and to be groomed (he LOVES being groomed). Also he and Smoke are interacting more. They go on little kitty-terror runs all over the apartment,chasing each other. They are also play-fighting more -- Sterling always being the instigator. They will sleep sometimes next to each other, *barely* touching each other. They are also eating and drinking out of a community bowl (Magic's old food and water dish, actually). Overall, things are going very well.
Sterling just blossomed as soon as the dog was gone from the apartment, so I will probably not be getting another dog while I have Sterling. Also, I don't think I'd ever get a dog that would be as sweet and well-behaved as Magic was.
Smoke is doing well, you would never believe he is 14 years old. He is still playing with toys (elastic hair ties seem to be his favorite to bat around), and running around with Sterling. Still eating like a pig (he's hyperthyroidic). Both of them are very conscious about keeping themselves clean, and look beautiful.
Peace, Bella