Edited on Sun Dec-05-04 06:00 AM by theHandpuppet
The scene was of a lifeboat full of dogs with a sinking ship in the background. One dog standing at the front of the boat asks, "All in favor of eating all the food now, raise your hands!" and you see every mutt with his paw raised high in the air.
The title of the 'toon? "Why Dogs Rarely Survive Shipwrecks" Ain't it the truth. My three would eat until they exploded if I only let them.
But to get back to your question -- in the wild, packs gorge on a kill because they may not eat every day. They don't haul off the carcasses as do some of the solitary predator cats (whereas sociable lions also gorge, like dogs), so you eat what you can when it's in front of you. Dogs have at least two instinctive factors that drive their appetite -- competition, as their wild kin must compete with other pack members for their share, and uncertainty, since there's no guarantee every hunt will be successful. Females also gorge because their wild kin feed pups by going back to the den and disgorging the contents of their stomach, so there's an additional factor involved for them.
If you're worried about overfeeding, just check their weight against that recommended for the breed standard. Some breeds are more prone to develop obesity than others. If you've a mixed breed, your vet should be able to tell you what the ideal weight would be for your dog. Lastly, if you can grab a roll of flab on the flanks of your dog, he or she is just too fat. You can correct that with low-fat treats, more exercise, and moderate portions of a weight maintenance food.