This is so unbelievable.
My husband was outside working in the back yard when he hears a car stop, a lady get out and drop something in the ditch, look around, get in her car and drive away. Mr. Minimus thought it was trash and he is always picking up garbage along the road. So he walks over and sees a little black puppy and it ran from him.
I am grieving for my little Sonic and have been crying so much all weekend so he was kind of afraid to tell me, but he needed help getting the puppy into a cage. He came in told me what happened, I dressed, grabbed some dog treats and my work gloves, and we carried the cage to the road.
At first there was no sign of it, and Mr. Minimus thought maybe the puppy had went into the woods toward the houses across the street. Then all of a sudden the little scamp comes out of some brush and runs toward me. It's little tail just wagging. We got the pup in the cage, carried it home, gave it food and water. It is now in the cage in our garage, with warm blankets.
It sounds corny, but I kept feeling the spirit of Sonic as I was helping this little abandoned pup. I felt maybe Sonic's spirit made the pup get dropped near our house because he knew we would help.
Last year someone dropped a mother and five puppies near our property and we had a hard time gathering all of them because the mother was real protective. We housed them overnight and the next day Mr. Minimus drove them to the animal shelter but unfortunately they were closed. While he was standing by his truck trying to decide what to do, a tiny kitten came up to him (someone must have dropped the kitten outside the shelter and left). So hubby ends up bringing the kitten back with him and has to wait for the shelter to open. He went to our vet's office and they called animal control and the animal catcher came to the vet's to pick up the mother dog, five puppies, and a kitten.
How could someone be so cruel to throw a dog on the side of the road? People make me sick! Now we are faced with having to take this little pup to the animal shelter because I just cannot keep him. I am grieving Sonic so much and we have two other dogs that I need to focus on.
Why did this happen?! Especially since I am so grief stricken. Is it a cruel joke the gods are playing on me?