This is from one of my animal rescue group list.
Hurricane Katrina has dealt a devastating blow to the Gulf Coast and it will take years for the region to recover. The toll on the human victims is almost beyond imagining. A toll has also been taken on the animal companions in the devastation as well.
Many people were forced to leave their homes during and in the aftermath of the hurricane and couldn't bring their animal friends with them. We know and understand the anguish these caregivers are going through and want to assist in the rescue of these helpless victims.
Best Friends is asking that you contact any friends or relatives that you have who were required to evacuate the disaster areas. If they have companion animals that were left behind, please have them contact the Best Friends Hurricane center: hurricane@bestfriends.org (435)644-3965 Ext. 4455
We are compiling a list of animals in need to distribute to people on the ground rescuing stranded animals.
Please ask them to include: Contact name Contact phone numbers Address where the animals are Name(s) of animal(s) Description of animal(s)
We hope that you can help us to ease the minds of those animal caregivers who have already lost so much. Please pass this message on to as many peopleas you can.
Thank you for caring about the animals and the people who love them.
Kelly Koeller Network Manager, Resources & Content Best Friends Animal Society 5001 Angel Canyon Road Kanab, Utah 84741 435-644-2001 ext 256 kelly@bestfriends.org www.bestfriends.org