the world of being ferret own. Now you get to learn what unlimited love and laughter in a small package is and you get to learn lots.
First suggestion, find a ferret qualified vet. (Look for a ferret rescue in your area and ask them if they know of one. They will also give you information about ferrets.) and get him (or her) in for a check up. The cat food was very bad for him and he needs to be looked at. He needs a high quality ferret food. My vet recommends Zupreme. Even if you go with another one make sure it is at least 35 percent protein.
Second, ferrets are not cage happy pets. Yes they need a cage for their safety when not attended but they need lots of time out of the cage and lots of play time with you. Minimum of 4 hours a day.
Ferrets are very smart and can get into very small places. You will want to ferret proof any where he might get. And he will get places you don't plan on letting him get to.
Ferrets for Dummies is a must read for anyone ferret owned. (It should be required reading in all pets stores too.)
Some good sites for ferret info. I am owned by nine ferrets now and had 11 I will give you this piece of advice. Try to start a ferret medical bill account. Try putting $10.00 a week a side towards future medical bills. If you never have to use it you have money set aside for you but should you ever need it you will be glad you set it a side. Ferrets are prone to a few diseases and treatment can add up quickly. But there is treatment available that can extend their life and improve the quality of life for your furbaby. I had a 5 year rescue that needed emergency surgery in Jan. with follow up treatment. He is doing great now but by the time he was healthy again I spent close to a thousand dollars. I also lost my first ferret to cancer in June. The vet and I fought for his life for 3 months. I do not want to figure out how much that cost. But I would spend it again regardless. The ferret medical fund was a blessing. (A friend told me about it.)
I hope this doesn't scare you off from being ferret owned as ferrets more than make up for any expense, fear and even heart ache when they pass on. Feel free to pm me should you have any questions. Oh and beware of ferret math.