Oh, yeah. Progressives are just too loud. They are too pushy. They want to "purge" people from the party, and that's just wrong. Progressives would throw away perfectly good votes!
Progressives would shrink the party!
Progressives would drink irresponsably and kill us all!
I suggest we take the initiative and provide definition to the party.
I suggest that we LEAD, and that once we do, others will follow.
I suggest that we do NOT allow repugs in Dem clothing to further drain the party of it's life and power.
I suggest that we develop power from individuals and not coporations to give life to our party.
I have suggested that we refer to DFA, and not the DNC when discussing party organization. I think that if we actively redefine who controls the party, we can make the power shift happen.
My latest rambling and partially coherent (well, before this one) rant is here:
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=show_mesg&forum=132&topic_id=1435974&mesg_id=1435974I guess what I am saying is, to reuse a tired old joke of a cliche, Be The Democratic Party.
DFA. It's not just for angry fringe elements anymore.