The media and the Republicans have somehow brainwashed even large numbers of "Democrats" into thinking that Dean is some kind of flaming liberal lunatic. But when you look at his positions and his record, he is not even that liberal! My impression of him is that he is economically centrist and basically libertarian on social issues (i.e. keep the government out of our personal lives). That squares perfectly with my beliefs, and I have never considered myself some kind of radical leftist.
What is it about Dean that frightens so many people? All I can think of is that people, for whatever reason, are afraid of any Democrat who actually fights. People have gotten comfortable with the weaselly, spineless type of Democrat who apologizes for being liberal, is clearly embarrassed to be identified as liberal, and tries to pander to the electorate by adopting positions that are obviously rooted in political opportunism rather than actual conviction. When any Democrat comes out and actually fights, it upsets everyone's world view and threatens their comfort zone. How DARE he criticize our great leader, George W. Bush! Doesn't he realize that Democrats are all supposed to be polite, soft-spoken, respectful, and moderate?
The Republicans love these spineless Democrats, because they are so easy to defeat. They are afraid of any Democrat who actually fights, because they are afraid it will spark a real movement that might threaten Republican rule.
Republicans all claim that they would love to see Dean lead the party, because he is so radical and unpopular that it would destroy the Democrats. If that is the case, why did conservatives spend so much time, energy, and money attacking Dean in the primary season? Why didn't they just shut up and let him win if he was guaranteed to lose the general election? When Pat Buchanan won the New Hampshire primary in 1996, did Democrats all take to the airwaves and wage a campaign to discredit him? Of course not! They kept their mouths shut and remained quietly optimistic that he would gain more influence and alienate moderate voters.