Dick Polman's article of Sunday January 9th (Democrats seek chief for a party cast adrift), because we are talking about the current, national democratic party it is a virtual certainty that they will not do the right thing which is appoint Howard Dean to the position. Regardless of what you thought of the man, when he was vying for the nomination John Kerry ended up receiving he has then, and since, proven himself to be an excellent organizer, reliable fund raiser and an innovator. More importantly, he stands up for core democratic princples like health care for all and rallies the party faithful. He is no pacifist but stood up against the war in Iraq which has proven to be such a colossal blunder and vortex of resources. Instead, it is a virtual certainty that the democratic party will watch the republicans behave with arrogant impunity, as they use social wedge issues to dupe blue collar america into voting against it's own interests. To think that independent or moderate republican voters are out there waiting to vote for democrats based on such a decision is so preposterous that only a party whose motto is "we're like the other guys, just not as evil" could be under such an illusion.
Thank you.
Mark Orth