We have a new program going to try and stop Arnold's signature gathering for his Bad-for-California initiatives. And we need your help! Please see below for specific areas you can help. STATEWIDE AND LOCAL RAPID RESPONSE Please see our earlier email announcement about our plans for a Rapid Response network, and consider building one for your own local group. This could be an email list or a Yahoo! Group or whatever. Minimally, please identify someone from your group willing to receive messages from CFD about Arnold petition gatherers in your area, as we are learning about them now. Please send us contact information for your Rapid Response group AND your local coordinator for this project asap, and please send it to ReportArnold@CaliforniaForDemocracy.com Until you have identified a specific contact person to receive such alerts, we will use our listed contact for your group, which is, well... you ! CFD REPORT-ARNOLD PHONE NUMBER AND EMAIL ADDRESS CFD now has a dedicated phone number for receiving reports about Arnold signature gatherers, and we are ready to use that to notify you about such alerts. The phone number is 206-350-7CFD (206-350-7233) and the email address is ReportArnold@CaliforniaForDemocracy.com VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! We need volunteers to act as statewide coordinators for this phone number and email address and to help dispatch these alerts to affected member groups. Monitoring the phone number is easy, as the messages are delivered to our coordinators via email (as a special audio attachment). The more volunteers we have the better, as we can then schedule people for different days so that no one person has too much to do. If we get 7 volunteers, maybe we'll schedule one person for one day of the week to help dispatch these alerts to affected groups. If we get 30 volunteers, each person takes 1 day per month. We'll work out the scheduling with the people who volunteer to make sure it meets their time constraints, but please put this word out there to recruit new volunteers. LOCAL REPORT ARNOLD PHONE NUMBERS It is easy for you to set up your own phone number which can be used for your local group to recieve sightings in your area. This way you can post it directly to your own website and have the messages get directed right to your own coordinators. (This is of course in addition to the statewide number of California for Democracy's website) Spandan Chakrabarti, CFD's webmaster, is the guru of such things and can fill you in on the details if you email him at webmaster@californiafordemocracy.com Your help is needed to stop Schwarzenegger from terminating California. Sincerely,
California for Democracy Steering Committee