The fight for 2006 begins today
I know -- it's only March 2005, but the 2006 Senate races are already starting to heat up! With the Senate in its Easter recess this week, now is the perfect time to begin planning our strategy to take back Congress -- and our country.
PAC for a Change is going to be on the frontlines of the '06 fight, from now through Election Day. The right-wing Republicans have a record of failure that they can't hide from, and we're going to hold them accountable.
We need to work together -- starting right now -- to fight hard for progressive candidates across America. Please contribute to PAC for a Change today!
33 Senate seats are up in 2006 -- 18 of those are currently held by Democrats (including Independent Jim Jeffords of Vermont) and only 15 of those are held by Republicans. Further, two good Democratic Senators, my friends Paul Sarbanes from Maryland and Mark Dayton from Minnesota, are retiring in 2006 -- leaving 2 open Democratic seats to defend, versus only one open seat for the Republicans.
So we've got our work cut out for us in having to defend more total Senate seats than the Republicans, and having to defend more open seats as well.
But, even if some of the numbers aren't in our favor, we have the issues squarely on our side. We won't let the Republicans avoid the consequences for all of the damage they've done:
For their reckless economic policy that has rung up record deficits, slashed education and health care programs for our families, rewarded the wealthiest Americans at the expense of the poor, and cost our country hundreds of thousand of jobs
For their irresponsible environmental policy that pollutes our air, dirties our water, and threatens our most pristine wilderness areas
For their misguided foreign policy that has alienated our allies, cost us billions of dollars, and led to the injuries and deaths of thousands of our soldiers, as well as tens of thousands of innocent people around the world -- while Osama bin Laden is still on the run
Please support PAC for a Change today!
You are the key to giving me the resources we need to change the Senate. I want to contribute directly to those progressive candidates who understand that the things that make our country great are under attack and who know that unless we pick up seats, our ability to stop the Karl Rove destruction machine will be further weakened.
With your help, I will make sure that Americans know the truth, telling people across the country that while the ideologues play politics with a poor woman's life, they do absolutely NOTHING for millions of Americans who are in desperate need of health care, all the while giving daily gifts to the large pharmaceutical companies and HMOs.
I am asking you from the bottom of my heart to contribute today to PAC for a Change so we can continue our fight for this country.
When I stood up to Condoleezza Rice to hold her accountable for her past actions, the right-wing extremists tried everything they could to demean me. When I stopped the Presidential vote count for a few hours to shed light on the serious problems in Ohio, they said I was on the fringe, even though these Election Day shenanigans were well documented. When I continue to call the war in Iraq a disaster, they try to isolate me.
Well, you can make a statement that you stand with me by contributing to my PAC today and getting a few others to do the same. It doesn't have to be much, but if lots of you respond to this, it will make it possible for us to help in a big way!
Please contribute $25, $100, $500, or more to PAC for a Change today!
All of this work will make a huge difference next November -- but we have to start now. Thank you so much for all of your support. I can't do it without you.
In Friendship,

Barbara Boxer