Here's a look at the agenda:
• Balancing Activism with the Rest of Life: You know what we mean.
• Campaign Training 101: Political Action Training Prep: sessions on campaign management, data, media and outreach—led by Latinos for America and Root Camp trainers.
• Campaign Training 201: What's the plan; what's the budget; setting your plan in motion—led by Latinos for America and Root Camp trainers.
• Civic Action Network: Small group organizing for big impact. Nathan Wilcox of Drive Democracy.
• Civic Environmentalism: Taking politics to policy. Jeb Boyt, attorney, activist, and president of Austin Metro Trails & Greenways.
• The DeLay Factor: Learn more about Tom DeLay's role in Texas and national politics. Former Dean Dozen candidate and DeLay challenger Richard Morrison will be joined by author Lou DuBose (The Hammer); Chris Bell, the former Democratic U.S. Congressman for the pre-redistricting Texas District 25 who filed ethics charges against DeLay (and who is considering a run for governor); and columnist and DeLay watcher extraordinaire Susan DuQuesnay, a.k.a. Juanita, sole proprietor of The World's Most Dangerous Beauty Salon, Inc.
• Electoral Reform and IRV: Updates and perspectives.
• Framing for Communities: ¡Juntos, Sí Podemos! Learning from LFA, AAD, APA for Progress, and from each other about successful framing for minority and specific interest communities.
• Framing for Democracy: Dr. Jeffrey Feldman, Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Frameshop, on ways we can use language more effectively to convey our positions and vision to voters.
• House Parties: David Salie and Lynn O’Connell of
• Political Scavenger Hunt: Take two hours to travel around town in teams pairing Austinites and out-of-towners to mine the rich vein of Texas' political trivia on the Red, Blue, and Independents' Trails. Austin playwrights, actors, and regular folks will guide you through basic word puzzles, simple physical feats ("the outreach water balloon toss"), and old-fashioned find-the-item. All of this as you see Austin's sites, ending up at Stubb's for the Bar-B-Q, music, and speakers!
• Progressive/Alternative Media: Taking on the corporate media machine at both national and local levels. Panel will include Jerome Armstrong (, Markos Moulitsas Zuniga (, Dr. Federico Subervi, scholar and media consultant who directs the Latinos and Media Project, and Cody Garrett, managing editor of La Prensa.
• Religion, Democracy, and the Common Good: How the left can reclaim a moral foundation. Panel will include Dr. Davidson Loehr, Unitarian Universalist minister and author of “Living Under Fascism,” and other sermons and essays that have circulated in progressive circles nationwide; and Paul Woodruff, ethics and philosophy professor and author of Reverence: Renewing A Forgotten Virtue.
• Students for Democracy: Scott Goldstein, author of The Tea Is in the Harbor.
• Turning Red States Blue: Democracy for Texas’ political director, former State Rep. Glen Maxey, will be joined by Colorado field expert Sandra Ramos and newly elected Dallas County sheriff Lupe Valdez.
• Veterans of Texas Political Wars: Join us at lunchtime for lively discussion and tall (but true!) tales with nationally syndicated columnist and political humorist Molly Ivins; former Texas Agriculture Commissioner, radio and print commentator, and populist agitator Jim Hightower; and Glenn Smith, founder of and author of The Politics of Deceit. Moderated by consultant and former State Rep. Glen Maxey, who moonlights as DFT's political director. Requested by our young supporters who want to hear the voices of experience.
• Websites and Blogs: Make the most of these community-building and fundraising tools, led by Joe Rospars, former Dean campaign internet communcations and fundraising specialist. Since helping found Blue State Digital, Rospars has developed and implemented strategies that have made news, recruited hundreds of thousands of volunteers, and raised millions of dollars for clients.
• What It Means to Be a Progressive: Historical perspectives and group discussion led by professor and activist Charles Grapski.