From DFA:
Shirley Franklin
Shirley Franklin knows how to make tough choices.
When she arrived at Atlanta City Hall in 2002, she found a budget in shambles -- with an $82 million deficit left to her by her predecessor. Public confidence lagged. The city faced tens of thousands in fines per day for pollution from its broken sewers, and no one knew how the city would fix such massive problems.
But Franklin -- the incoming mayor -- wasted no time. She tackled the situation head on.
She cut the city payroll, including her own staff, to help balance the budget -- and even gave up $40,000 in salary to share the pain. She forged partnerships with the city council to fix the problems. And she barreled into negotiations with state and local authorities to work out a $3 billion agreement to fix the sewers.
The results? Three years of Franklin's leadership -- and her commitment to fiscal responsibility -- has turned Atlanta's budget deficit into an $18 million surplus.
Mayor Franklin has earned our respect -- and a place on our DFA-List.
<>Franklin's record of leadership reads like a profile in courage -- a fact that probably explains why she won the Profiles in Courage Award at the Kennedy Library this year and was recently named one of the "5 Best Big City Mayors in the U.S." by Time Magazine. Her experience shows that fiscal responsibility not only puts government on a solid footing, but also goes hand in hand with our values -- values like protecting the environment and working for the betterment of all citizens.
Across the country -- outside the Washington Beltway, working in state government, city halls, and local offices -- a new generation of leaders is taking shape. These leaders fight for our values and share our commitment to fiscal responsibility.
We support real leaders and celebrate their accomplishments. That's why we have the DFA-List. But that support is only as good as you make it. Visit Shirley Franklin's website, and volunteer in any way you can:
<>Democracy for America is dedicated to helping leaders like Mayor Franklin and the rest of the DFA-List. They set an example Washington should watch... and follow. You can read about the other candidates on the DFA-List here:
<>Thanks for helping our next generation of leaders succeed.
Jim Dean