He said if we lost the 04 election, we might lose the America we know. I remember posting this here in 04. There was a lot of disagreement. The book came out before the election. He was speaking of what might happen if Bush won in 04. I think it is truer today.
Dean: "If you want your country back, you have to take it back." Pendulum won't swing easily.
From "You Have the Power", released September this year. Page 186-187
SNIP..."If you want your country back, you have to take it back. Believe me, the right-wingers aren't going to be nice about giving it back."
"We have a tendency to believe that history corrects itself---that if the political pendulum swings too far in any one direction, it will sooner or later swing back......thanks to the basic solidity of our institutions and the commonsense decency of our people."
"There's some historical truth to that, but it's not going to happen now simply because it's a historical trend......it will happen if people like you use their power--the power they have in themselves and the power they have in being part of a community--to make change."
And he mentions the danger to the judicial system if Bush won:
"we will not see anything vaguely resembling positive change or Democratic restoration for the foreseeable future."
And the saddest part:
"For at least another generation, we will not see anything resembling the America that so many of us know, and love, and miss."
We control the House now, and if not for Lieberman on many issues we would have the Senate as well. So that is in our favor.
I just wonder how many would disagree now that we are in a battle for our country....now that Bush has in effect declared himself a dictator.