The common wisdom would tell you that a man, such a the new Democratic govenor of Montana, Brian Schweitzer is the sort of Red State Democrat who would have nothing but disdain for the politics of Howard Dean.
I have just been reading an article, written by Al Franken show regular David Sirota about his recent electoral victory in the Red State heartland of Montana. similarities between the electoral coalition Dean built in the rural state of Vermont and the coalition Schweitzer won with in Montana are quite startling.
1. The support of Montana's hunters and outdoorsman. Strongly augmented by his Dean-like AAA rating from the NRA.
2. The support he got from Montana's small business community. A coalition group Dean wooed when he was Govenor of Vermont. For those of you who do not know Dean had particulary strong support amongst Vermont's Ski business community. A traditional Republican community who were some of Dean's staunchest supporters throughout his 5 term leadership of Vermont.
Furthermore, Schweitzer also had a strong message that a similarities with Dean's Presidential campaign message.
1. A very strong anti-special interest message. Go read the article to see how Montana's new Govenor shaped that message and that message's strategy.
2. Strong outside message.
I could also repeat the similarites in Dean's Vermont politics. But all I want to say about this is that the evolution of these messages, by Dean, when he went national are apparent in Schweitzer's state run.
People, especially, Democrat "centerists" will say that Dean was nothing but an example of a North Eastern Liberal elitist. I have always believed that, in truth, Dean was an example of a classic red-state Democrat. Whether it be as chair of the DNC or in support of his next Presidential run I believe it is important that we get the truth out about Howard Dean.