Here is a post I made several times, but it always drops like lead. It is about the different groups that are forming. PDA folks are mostly Kucinich supporters, a few Dean leaders, and a lot of DFA groups have already allied with them. Here is my post to give a perspective.
Again I am posting some groups that are working to make our party be more for the people. They are a way to go for the future. Going to the websites today gives me hope that these very large groups are keeping our party alive and may some day be for us again...not just corporations.
When I get depressed like I have been this week about the election, about Fallujah, about the people there who have no one speaking up for them....then I have hope and think someday maybe that will change.
Howard Dean's group supports grassroots candidates thoughout the country, even at local levels. It helps to fund them with our support and targets races which members like us can get involved with. Founded in March of this year and making good financial inroads with some real success stories for so young a group. Dean campaigns with many of the candidates personally. Since March over 5 million has been raised by this group. / /
Progressive Democrats of America works at institutionalizing the progressive movement within the party working to create caucuses in each state. Howard Dean and Tom Hughes of DFA held a joint conference call with PDA and DFA last week. I understand they will be at the PDA event above in January.
Another group works to provide funding and support for progressive candidates. I believe it is also allied or partnered with DFA and PDA. All this is new, and I think I am getting it right for now. Note their candidates and members. Excellent group. Here is a link to their advisory committee. Many of these worked closely with Dean throughout the campaign. And 3 members of their advisory board. This next group held the Take Back America conference as a side convention this year. It is activist is many areas, and there are places to sign up for updates and emails. I get their mailings in a couple of areas. /
Here are some pics from the conference this year. And some articles about the speakers. If anyone knows of others, please link. I believe at this point that all are working along the same lines, and they may be working more closely soon.
Gov. Dean and Sheila Jackson Lee at the Take Back America side conference during the convention.
Another view of the same time, talking to the overflow from the balcony.