Edited on Sun Nov-28-04 11:04 PM by madfloridian
and it did work well in that thread...the Dean supporter thing, that is...it will be used constantly here. Apparently I have been singled out in the why do you hate Dean thread as one of the worst troublemakers...by several.
I don't want to hurt the rest of you, and I feel that this board is going to become uncomfortable for us now. There are several reasons for my feeling of discomfort.....but I don't want to say it out loud. It is up to you guys for a while how to handle things..
I am backing off, as I told a couple of folks privately. I thought I could make a difference in bringing out some things about the party's corporate influence....and what is coming in the future. No matter what I post now, it is turned into something else.
I do not regret that post about Dean's comments in his book. Those things needed to be said, and they needed to be said urgently...and now. But that thread was the turning point, even though it has been in the news since September 9. I am glad Dean brought out the way our party went along for the ride, but you know that river in Egypt?....it is so easy to stand beside.
But once a meme is established, it can used successfully. I can see now that anything I post about Howard Dean...like his statements last week at Yale or Dartmouth or Northwestern....will be turned around as bashing the party. I don't want to hurt the rest of you. I have been singled out now as a main offender.
I will work on other projects elsewhere on the internet and of course locally here.
We support Howard Dean, we don't worship him. We see him as a catalyst, and at a vital turning point in our party's history. We are glad he is not afraid to be criticized, and we have learned to be that way as well. We are not afraid to speak out here to the DEC which for so long has been catering to the every whim of the GOP.
I will be reading the forum, I am active at other forums under other names.....but for a little while anyway, I don't want to be here to be blamed for the possible problems that might come.
I saw more in that post today than dislike for one person or for a group of people. I saw an intense drive to belittle, and it scared me to death. It is part of the tactics of the GOP...belittle, humiliate.
I just don't want the attacks to be about me. We are only with DFA now basically, donate only to them. Whether we ever again become active in the DNC is up to them.
I won't post about Dean events here for a while. Not worth it. If he says something I am really impressed with, I will post it at the board whose name can not be spoken.
Hang in there...I will just do nothing to hurt Dean or us.