Unfortunately the last time I posted a Message from Matthew here, there were a few who had an ...uh, shall we say "unexpected reaction" to it. I am sorry that it was perhaps
not appreciated by some, but sometimes reactions give us additional information. Certainly made for a lively discussion. :)
I hope that those who are not inclined towards these words will at least respect those who do find them interesting and/or worthwhile.
Some of what Matthew talks about in this latest message will no doubt set off more of the same so I am only excerpting the last part even though it is a short message.
He talks about the London bombings, but I think the part that is most encouraging to me is the part about the "light being unstoppable"
July 16, 2005 MATTHEW: " An incredibly strong and unstoppable momentum that will result in major changes by the end of this calendar year. Although mainstream media still are Illuminati-managed, the reins have been loosened enough so that perceptive minds looking beyond the “news” are seeing patterns of government deception, denial and exposure emerging. Demands for honest investigations will result in their coming about, as will changes in leadership. In short, the year 2005 marks the turning point from the old to the new, and the next few years will be a time of transition to a peaceful, harmonious world. In previous messages I have mentioned what can be expected, the speed with which new technology will be implemented and environmental restoration will come with the help of your space family, and the corresponding changes in behavior and attitudes of peoples worldwide, so I won’t repeat that. "
"What I do want to repeat is this: Love is the most powerful force in the universe. It heals pain and fear. Pain and fear is what motivates the darkness to conceive and execute their heinous crimes to create pain and fear in other souls. Light—the other side of the coin from love—is the cure for hatred, prejudice, revenge, oppression, killing. We beseech you to not only join us in lighting the way for the souls lost in darkness so that they may find their way back to the peacefulness and fulfillment within love, but to teach others."
"As the truths that have been hidden from Earth’s peoples for millennia are revealed in the coming months, you who have long awaited this will not be surprised—you will rejoice! But you represent a small fraction of souls with factual knowledge and spiritual knowingness. The majority will be shocked, and when initial disbelief fades as conclusive evidence continues to be presented, those with firm convictions that their beliefs and knowledge are right will experience denial, then anger and betrayal. They will need your loving supportiveness to reach understanding, acceptance and joy that the time of taking their rightful place as members of our universal family is here. "
More at link -->>