we are all angry. The world is a brutal place. If we are honest with ourselves. I have to wonder about adults who believe children have to be "protected" with false realities. When we grow up it is nothing like we've imagined.
OTOH, I tend to agree with David Wilcock about what's really behind message board hostility. It can be healing. I know it has been in my own life.
If your own ‘drug’ of choice is unworthiness and lack of self-respect, then wrestling with “Trolls” IS your own rehab – and you don’t graduate the program until you voluntarily check out of the clinic and stop engaging these assailants.
Up until you graduate this type of Rehab, you’ve been projecting your own shadow self onto your attackers. Your shadow tells you, “None of this $#!+ is really true. You are not special. You’re a meat package. You die, you rot and it stinks, so we put your filth in a box and bury it. You don’t deserve love, respect or attention, unless it’s negative.”
That’s a voice inside yourself, and you desperately want to heal it. Most of us seem to have a much easier time healing these things by re-creating the whole drama with someone else, rather than processing it alone, inside ourselves, such as in meditation. (...)
same link.
Others get caught up in the worship of the mind, and become “Highly Intelligent Skeptics,” or “Trolls” as they are often called – those people who haunt paranormal discussion boards and attempt to rip well-intentioned seekers apart with their apparently ‘scientific’ and ‘logical’ arguments – even while their fast temper and nagging persistence is more consistent with the behavior of a two-year-old.
The vast majority of people who are interested in the paranormal have not elevated it to a level where they can discuss it in a reasoned, rational, well-thought-out manner, and Trolls love to gore them in public for it. Don’t fall for it. Don’t feed the Trolls! You will never win!
If you’ve ever wrestled with these types, you’ll know that they invariably engage in something called Intellectual Dishonesty. Even if you make a really good point, they will NEVER acknowledge it. You can never actually get them to change their mind or see your side – they will simply change tactics, such as the old “ad hominem / attack the messenger” canard, or go after someone else and ignore you.
If nothing else, they are content to hurt your feelings and make you miserable. In my own worst-case scenario, I really put a lot of time into one of these folks, and my parting gift was him telling me he would “skull f-k” me “for all eternity”.
So yes… some people’s God Reflex gets caught up in bringing others hurt and pain. This actually satisfies their own wounded ego’s need for a feeling of safety, comfort, warmth and love, which traces all the way back to our infantile stage of development.
This email assailant, as it turned out, had serious physical damage that made him unable to walk normally, and he had retreated into the worship of the mind, since the body was unfulfilling. Once he confessed that to me, he ended up hating me even more.
He assumed I had all these wonderful things in my life that he was missing. Getting me to feel pain brought him a sense of vindication – because he felt that if there really was a God, then he wanted revenge. Therefore, he went after people who considered themselves messengers.
That link may not be valid since the redesign of his site.