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Owning Our New Power...Creating the Life of Our Dreams - Karen Bishop

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Delphinus Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-05-09 10:28 AM
Original message
Owning Our New Power...Creating the Life of Our Dreams - Karen Bishop
December 5, 2009


This week we moved into the next phase of creating our heaven on earth, and I had to chuckle, as it manifested in some very strange and interesting ways. A bit bewildered at first, and then a little ticked off by the sudden change in energy, after realizing what was occurring, I could only indeed begin to laugh. I knew with certainty that we were creating this latest energy all by ourselves, but for awhile, I was none too sure why in the world we would be doing what we were doing!

Over the week-end of November 28th and 29th, more new and higher vibrating energy arrived for us. It could be felt as the now familiar leg and foot pain (as we are still grounding into the new Earth), lower back pain, sinus headaches or face pain, a giddiness (I could not stop laughing), perhaps feeling drunk or lightheaded, flu symptoms, and a need to nap or sleep.

Immediately after, it may have been difficult to sleep, and some tenseness or tightness soon arrived. As we prepare to create a new heaven on Earth, we also begin living and being in the higher vibrations. In this way, even though we may not be aware of it, we are creating more easily now. And as always, we create the fastest simply though the beliefs that we embody within ourselves.

So then, we moved into a new space, knew at our soul levels or higher self levels that it was time to begin having the life of our dreams, and thus, we moved into a new “take charge of our lives” space. We were beginning the stage of owning our power, so in some ways, we may have felt more powerful, more assertive, in command of our space, and now most certainly, owning the position of “the director” of our new reality and new lives.

The amusing and perhaps confusing part came as a result of our sudden “live our own reality” stance. Being that each and every one of us sees things through our own particular filters or perceptions of reality, or rather our particular gift or contribution to the whole, this is what we grabbed onto and infused a lot of our energy into.

So then, we may have had interactions with others who simply did not hear us, or we may not have heard others, or we may not have agreed or remotely understood where others were coming from. It was if everyone was living in their own bubble of reality, as each of us very suddenly grabbed onto our piece or perception, and held so tightly that we did not then interact or connect to the differing energies that were around us.

What happened was that we moved into the new space of creating our own reality...the reality of our dreams…and we infused so much energy into it, as this new space had newly arrived…that we became “over-done” with the whole thing. Too much of a good thing, so to speak. And in this way, this new situation may have felt like darkness to some degree, as we may have thought we had seen things that were not really even occurring, or even manifested things from our fears or accustomed experiences from the past. In addition, separation can always feel like darkness, and being that we were separate from each other during this time because we were adamant in our own filters or contributions, things felt very strange indeed. Up down, up down…this process has not been smooth sailing for awhile now!

(But there is yet another aspect to any feelings of darkness as well. As we finally begin taking our destined places as the stewards of the earth, and as we thus anchor in and ground more fully, we are naturally releasing any darker or denser energies that lie deep within the earth. These energies are not within us, but within the earth, and they are very old. In this way then, as they rise like a quiet cloud and begin to lift up and out, we may indeed feel them passing.)

So then, we experienced the actualities of our own particular mind-sets. In other words, we created what we believed to be true. I was having lunch at a local eatery today, and the “owner/cook” and I began to chat. He had asked what I did for a living, and I told him that I was a spiritual writer. He then proceeded to tell me that he was pretty good at telling people what their astrological signs were, as he could read their energy. He said I was a Libra or Aries (I am a Taurus). “Hmmmm…” I replied. He then asked me where I grew up. “Southern California,” I told him. He said I did indeed hold the energy of someone who loved the beach (I rarely went to the beach in all my years living there as it was far away!). He was seeing from his own particular box.

My next stop was at a new bank, as I needed to open a new account (one that would accept the foreign currency that some of you so lovingly send my way). I was thinking on the way, “I would sure love to interact with some different energies that indeed see me today.” As I proceeded with the new accounts representative, she took an amazingly long period of time getting to know me. She even took notes about my pets, any new activities coming up for me, how I felt about banks, and how many grandchildren I have! “Do you always get to know your patrons so well?” I asked her. Her attentiveness to me was extraordinary. I had also been thinking earlier on, about becoming involved with horses again. “Guess what?” this unusually loving and friendly woman told me excitedly after we were done. “For opening a new account with us today, we are gifting you with a stuffed horse!” Experiencing the actualities of our mindsets.

In addition, because of seeing things through our own particular filters, we may find that we are saying to each other, ”No, this is occurring because of this reason,” while another will say, “No, it is indeed occurring for this reason.” In this way, we may find that we strangely clash with others, or even that they are ignoring us, who we are, or what we are trying to tell them. We may seem to be stuck in our own boxes of individual reality now, as this new energy encourages us to claim our power and hold true to whom we are and what we are all about. These are manifestations of our power returning.

The experience of darkness can occur in regard to this new phase, when we encounter an energy that is holding very firm to a lower vibrating perception or way of running his/her energy. This creates that now all familiar clash of energies resulting from an energy which vibrates quickly, coming into contact with one that vibrates much slower. So even though we are in the new world now, and have left another world far behind, there are still many levels or rungs in this new world, allowing for variances in beliefs and perceptions.

As we are now entering the new field of finally beginning to create once again, I would like to address something that is since past, but that may also be affecting some of us still. Personally, I feel that this situation ran so deep for many of us, that it needs to be acknowledged once again.

When we experienced the “failure” of the original ascension plan, and when things seemed to be going awry for so long, it really hit us at our soul levels. Many of us had arrived on this planet for the sole (soul) purpose of hatching and experiencing the ascension plan, or rather assisting the planet in raising her vibration so that we could start all over once again, and then be reborn into a very new universe after we restored this one.

Anything existing at our soul levels runs deep. Very deep indeed. Soul level anything comes from the core of our being and existence, and always overrides any other form of creation. We had gone along for a very long time, with this plan embedded deep within our hearts. We had made decisions in our lives, all the while knowing and expecting that things would turn out a certain and specific way. Thus, we trusted with every fiber of our being that things were in divine and perfect order. We were wired for this outcome and gave it our all, from the moment of our birth. We never imagined that things would turn out as they did.

For many of us, we are still stunned by the outcome. We have not completely adjusted quite yet. We are still in shock and reeling from the separation of the worlds, and from the change in a plan that we were so certain would succeed. After all, we came from everywhere in the cosmos, with much representation, and most of us are old souls who have been around for eons of time. We are masters and old sages at creating and experiencing, and add to this the massive amount of souls who participated, and failure was thus not even a consideration.

So then, we went along trusting and knowing that our spiritual guidance would keep us on track, and produce an outcome that we expected. Some of you who have been my readers for a while, may remember that I had a brief first marriage a few years back. I was specifically told how and what would occur, even though I originally had doubts. My guides were adamant, and as things progressed in the beginning, they proved to be true. As most of you know, it did not last. I was then told by my guides that they had “miscalculated.” Although I never commented about it in my writings, as I wanted to respect the privacy of my partner, this experience rocked my trust in my spiritual guidance, and it took me awhile to come back and to get back on my horse. This explanation is the same for much of everything that occurred in the past two to three years, and of course in regard to the ascension plan. At our soul levels, we “miscalculated.” Thus, the seemingly broken promises and outcomes that had eventually quit making sense.

I share with you this story, as I know that so many of you experienced the same. We did what we simply “knew” was right, and then the outcomes we expected with every fiber of our being, did not occur. So now, here we are at a very new turn in the road…at a very new beginning. In this way, we may still feel hesitant to jump in once again, to begin to desire, to begin creating, and to trust that things will turn out differently this time. For the past two to three years, many of us have only known darkness, pain, getting punched around, having much of everything seemingly go wrong, and “waiting.”

Being that we are now experiencing the actualities of our mindsets, and being that we may still feel negative, cynical, and most certainly in a rut or habit of having unpleasant experiences (as that is all we have known for a few years), we now know that we may want to be mindful of what we are expecting to occur. So then, as we are now creating once again, what we expect is what we are now creating. If we can be gentle with ourselves, if we can learn to trust again, if we can know that we are again owning our power like never before, and if we can most importantly come together with our brothers and sisters to ensure a magnificent creating experience, I believe we can indeed find our new heaven on Earth.

So what has most recently occurred this week, is that we are gearing up for creating once again, but grabbing on so tightly, that we are in danger of creating in a box, without consideration and interaction with those around us. In time this will subside. We cannot create the new in this new reality, unless we unite with our brothers and sisters and combine our energies and talents.

In regard to the separation of the worlds, some of us also had great changes in outcomes in regard to whom we would end up with, and even where we would be residing or how things would look for us. We ultimately had predestined partners for this phase of the plan. The phase where we finally found ourselves in the promised land, or in our heaven on Earth. But being that the plan created some outcomes that were miscalculated, who our partners were to be, may have changed as well. Like musical chairs, we are now lining up with new and different things and with new and different individuals, all dependent upon who landed on this new and other side. The plan changed due to the fact that we all have free will. So then, some of our predestined partners did not cross over with us, as they chose to remain stuck, they were damaged or too overloaded by the challenges the ascension process created, or they did not grow or expand as they had planned.

In this way, we were then given very new “ultimate” partners. These new partners or connections are still very intense and very heartfelt nonetheless. But being that so much changed at the very last moment, or the moment of the final separation of the worlds, some souls literally jumped across the chasm at the very last moment. They grabbed on for dear life, and now, they have a lot of catching up to do. These souls are currently living on the dimensional border, and far from our reaches, but in time, we will unite with them it complete totality….in two years, or rather in 2012. Because they crossed over at the very last moment, many of them must still complete their soul scripts before they are free to experience their heaven on Earth and to then join us in all ways.

As the earth is now in her rightful place in the cosmos, we are also in our rightful places as well. So even though there has been so much change and restructuring, and great movement due to all the sudden changes, things are indeed lining up, if even in new and different ways. Our new and rightful partners will open our hearts once again. They hold the keys that only they can hold for us. And as they reach within the very fiber of our hearts, we will experience a joy, an excitement, a relief, and a gratitude that is near impossible to describe.

So now we are creating from our hearts. We are following the path of our hearts, if even it does not make sense. We can know with complete certainty, that if we allow our hearts to guide us and lead the way, we will ultimately experience our heaven on Earth in times to come.

With much love and gratitude,


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Delphinus Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-05-09 07:06 PM
Response to Original message
1. After three or four
of her postings making as much sense as a foreign language, she hits on something in this one that really resonates:
We did what we simply “knew” was right, and then the outcomes we expected with every fiber of our being, did not occur.

Over the past four years, I have encountered this at least three times that clearly jump into my mind. I sincerely hope that things are now turning around.
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OneGrassRoot Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-06-09 04:28 AM
Response to Reply #1
2. Thank you for this....

There are many powerful points of interest here, IMHO, not so much as far as guidance, but a trigger to evaluate our path these last few years and perhaps see it from a different perspective.

Karen was always so big on saying "everything is moving along according to plan." To share her belief that the plan was "miscalculated" on a soul level, evidently by the collective, is....well, I don't even have a word for it. Odd and disconcerting are two that come close.

While I don't have a clear image in my head or heart as to how things work, or who is "in charge" and guiding things -- beyond our collective Higher Selves -- this is unsettling to think there was a miscalculation at a soul level. That's a new concept to me, to be honest.

Yet in reading David Wilcock's latest (another thread here), he talks about a hierarchy I never imagined, so I'm no longer even sure what I mean when I say "soul level."

How do you guys feel about this aspect of the message?

Thanks for posting, Delphinus. :hug:

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Delphinus Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-06-09 07:26 AM
Response to Reply #2
3. I know!
Why wait until now to bring this up? How could things be going along according to plan when things were actually "miscalculated"? That's like talking out of both sides of your mouth. It seems she needs to explain this a bit more clearly, although I think we're *ALL* going to come to our own conclusions about it.

I spent some time last night (before heading off to sleep) reading David Wilcox's post - there's a lot of information there and another way of looking at things.

I've been on this "path" for over half my life (I'm early 50s and I started, after much questioning, at 15) and have heard so many different things about our oversoul, soul levels, why we're here, etc. Yes, there's one overarching truth, but I don't know if we've found it yet. Everyone has a little piece of this grand truth and I think all who are out in the "public eye" giving us messages has a slightly different understanding.

I'm glad we have this place to bounce ideas off of each other.
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Why Syzygy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-06-09 10:34 AM
Response to Reply #3
4. If you look at her old messages
thoroughly, you will discover this is not unique to this time. Before the spring equinox she predicted big leaps, etc. After the spring equinox, she wrote that it impeded progress. Paraphrasing. I think she is just making excuses for not having a clue. But, that's just me. If anyone else finds her meaningful, it doesn't matter what I think.
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OneGrassRoot Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-06-09 10:50 AM
Response to Reply #4
5. I've read her for years....

I can't say I read anyone's message for guidance any more. I truly don't think anyone KNOWS anything. I really don't. Not as it pertains to others or humanity as a whole.

Then there's that nebulous thought of mine having to do with we're all living different realities, so what may indeed be true for one person or group of people, isn't necessarily for me. Lots of individual truths.

For the longest time I enjoyed reading her stuff simply because I did resonate with what she was saying for the moment. It's that human thing of wanting to know we're not alone as far as our thoughts and feelings.

I can't say I look to her or David Wilcock or any of these respected people for guidance in any way. I gave up on that a long time

However, in reading what others are going through and sharing -- be it others here or those who are in supposed "teaching" or guidance roles -- it does sometimes help me feel better in the moment or help me have an internal "aha" moment about how I'm perceiving something, and how I may perhaps perceive it differently which resonates more.

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northernlights Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-06-09 03:53 PM
Response to Reply #5
7. agreed
I also find that most of what she writes really is simply the human experience. Different explanations and words for the same experiences. The vast array of symptoms could be true of anybody who pays attention to their body, at any particular time in their life. Also with the synchronicities and LOA/CYOR

In my own life, I've seen things start to align and sensed they were going in a certain way...only to have the whole thing dissolve before my eyes.

And conversely, I've found myself just quietly going along accepting a situation that looked hopeless...only to have something blow in outta nowhere and start a new path.

I also find the timing of things a little too convenient. Everything was supposed to happen this past summer. And now, suddenly, it's really going to happen in another 2 years. Just in time for 2012. Even stumbling into our newly designated 'soul mates.'

For me, the big upheavals started in 2002, not 2-3 years ago. But the synchronicities and ability to CYOR have been apparent off and on throughout my life. Also connecting with my guides/guardian angels/whoever/whatever.

So I enjoy reading for the sake of seeing another description of the human experience. But beyond that...she's just selling books and getting donations. No more sense of the what the future holds than the rest of us. Just imho...
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Why Syzygy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-07-09 12:26 AM
Response to Reply #5
8. That happened to me the other night..
Edited on Mon Dec-07-09 12:26 AM by Why Syzygy
Listening to a C2C show, the woman guest was mainly speaking about intuition. George asks all his guests about 2012. While she was explaining the popular, and by now very familiar', division theory, she dropped some golden nuggets unrelated to the theory itself. That theory isn't part of my belief system. It doesn't make sense to me, there's no basis in facts or prior history (that we know of), and I can't reconcile it with what the new biology/physics are showing us. So, while I could reject her larger theory, the smaller truths gave that ring of truth in my soul. Is that the same thing you're describing about Karen for yourself?
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OneGrassRoot Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-07-09 08:05 AM
Response to Reply #8
9. I think so.....

I just like to read a lot of things if it's a subject I'm interested in, as I am open to an easier way to navigate this world (and help others do the same) being one word, one "aha" moment away...and those words could come from truly any source. A TV show, a radio show, a messageboard interaction, an article, a book....

Not seeking guidance, per se, but insight into my own path by reading about others' experiences and thoughts. Plus, there's that whole ink blot test effect: we can each look at the same words, image, situation, etc., and interpret them completely different based on our own perceptions. I think that's one reason why looking to others for guidance can be so dicey: their truths are often affected by their individual life experiences, the way they interpret information, and so forth. If it rings true, great; if not, I don't think we should feel we're off track in any way.


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Why Syzygy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-07-09 10:50 AM
Response to Reply #9
10. I think it is
Whitley Striber who tells the story. (I could be way off on the source.) Brain experiments have allowed scientists to stimulate an orgasmic response in the woman test subject. She allegedly followed the guy around after that test. Then they found the brain area to stimulate for the "AHA" sensation. She gave up the orgasmic guy and followed the AHA guy! More powerful than orgasm. That's one powerful motivator.
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OneGrassRoot Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-07-09 11:20 AM
Response to Reply #10
11. Aha! LOL

That's so funny! But I totally believe it. Anyone who helps provide "aha" moments for me is someone I'd be attracted to. ;)

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Kookaburra Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-08-09 08:25 AM
Response to Reply #4
14. I'm with you WS
Never have gotten much from her. It's great if someone else does, however, and many folks do. It's never rang true to me personally.
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Mist Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-06-09 03:37 PM
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6. I see the "miscalculation" as being on her part. She, like many, has PART of the truth, not all
Edited on Sun Dec-06-09 03:39 PM by Mist
of it. I'm not sure it's appropriate for her, or us, to worry about a "grand plan." Speaking for myself, my growth and insight has increased remarkably the last few years, but I don't assume that I therefore "know" everything I need to know. All of the work we do is getting us ready, and I guess we still need to keep working on that--at least I know I do! It's like we're getting out of high school and into college, but that hardly makes us professors. Speaking for myself, I'm not sure I'm actually **ready** to know the over-arching plan! Just keeping on, day to day, and trying to avoid getting bogged down in lower-density crap, is enough for me right now.
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Fire Walk With Me Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-07-09 05:13 PM
Response to Original message
12. Miscalculations.
The 2012 energy -is- increasing as told, manifestation is increasing, the bubbling up and purging of darkness is occuring...but how can all be in Divine Order unless the space for error or tangent is built into Divine Order? Free Will being mandate...I know the energy shift to be very real, so I'll stick with that and change my response to it, only if it changes to any degree.

How truly awful if so many have chosen to stay in the 3rd Dimension, in spite of what has been offered.

If you are capable of powerful prayer, pray for the 2012 energy to hurry up. And note your own increasing manifestation (especially of purging negativity- you may wish to then pray for the 2012 energy to return to its normal pace! I did..)This will be your proof of the increase of co-creator energy. And of the need to meet it in purity and joy.
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Delphinus Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-08-09 07:00 AM
Response to Reply #12
13. Hi Fire Walk With Me,
Just over the past few days, I've noticed what you're speaking of with increasing manifestation. Simple things - twice I was waiting for people to show up at work and twice and, after I said, "come on, mailman" (like let's get the show on the road), within minutes they were there.
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mother earth Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-08-09 07:18 PM
Response to Original message
15. I read these when they are posted here, just can't get into
it. She seems to say the same things over and over, yet slightly different, I'm glad she got off the storefronts thing.
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