I have always agreed with those who say the subconscious is like a computer that we program for ourselves, with our thoughts, emotions and energies, to create the manifestations in our lives. If we are always putting in fear, that is what we ultimately attract or draw to ourselves. If we put out to the universe that we don’t have money, happiness, peace or success, likely that will be reflected in our lives. The idea that we are what we think has been around since the beginning of time. And if your life is completely how you want it, well then I’d say, you are living in your version of “heaven”. But for those of us still learning and trying to teach ourselves how to manifest differently, the question becomes what method or “program” to use.
There are many, and I would bet, that when combined with the full weight of belief, they all work. What works best for each of us are those methods that we connect with on an emotional level. Belief is important.
Plus, there are other factors to consider. What is the path we have chosen for ourselves, as reflected by our charts? Some things may just have to be gone through. But how you do it can make a difference. Using “8” did provide some quick cash and small periods of relief, but greater relief came when Saturn moved out of the 8th house. Could I have avoided it completely? I don’t know, that is what I’m trying to find out. Is the lesson in the trial itself or, overcoming it completely?
Quantum physics is playing a larger and larger role, as is the idea of innerspace. But to get there from here we seem to need triggers. Maybe in the future, as the collective becomes more and more attuned, it won’t be so, but we are just on the edge of this new dynamic and somewhat in the dark, yet, as to the path.
So I am trying many things, one of which I’d like to share today: SwitchWords, words used to “trigger” change. There is a web-site which offers, free, the beginning to this technique. If you want to go further, and acquire all of it a fee is required. But I have found that what was given free is sufficient to my needs. Also, others have shared additional words with me. This includes the person whose site it is. A wonderfully kind person who has answered my email questions. So kind in fact that as soon as I can I am thinking of ordering the entire book for his helping me so generously.
I invite you to take a look, see what you think and if this might have any benefit for you.
Additional SwitchWords:
REACH. — to find anything you're looking for, such as:
misplaced items in the physical world (keys, papers, tools, etc.);*forgotten ideas or information in your mind or memory (names, numbers, etc);
*solutions to problems.
*whenever you want to sell something, say: GIVE.
*whenever you want to make money: COUNT.
*or whenever you want to make something beautiful: CURVE.
*for good health, and/or for peace: BE.
“BLUFF” moves your energy in exactly the opposite direction as fear
MOVE - to display pep and sudden energy and/or to get rid of inertia
TOMORROW - to destroy remorse
THANKS - to cease regretting
UP - to: dispel an attack of the blues, lose inferiority complex
PRAISE - to stop faultfinding
BLUFF - to: dispel nervousness, conscious fear
AROUND - to improve perspective
SLOW - to: withstand impatience, be wise
REVERSE - to bury your grudges
GUARD - to preserve personal safety
BE - to: achieve peace of conscience, banish lonesomeness, maintain good health
ELATE - to turn a setback into an uplift
CANCEL - to: dispel a worry, obliterate a negative thought, prevent a person or action from annoying one, avoid poverty or debt