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Spa for the Soul

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Home » Discuss » DU Groups » Religion & Spirituality » Astrology, Spirituality & Alternative Healing Group Donate to DU
rumpel Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-13-09 02:50 PM
Original message
Spa for the Soul
I am sorry for this late post, I had Internet problems I was not able to post it here in time, but then again as they say, there is no time or space, so you can hear it after the fact and still hopefully benefit from it.
You can listen to it at:

But I see the last 2 hours are not there..I will check with Joseph.

From the e-mail announcement
This Spa for the Soul program features 4 one-hour group healing sessions by amazing healers and practitioners. Attendance is offered free of charge, although donations to CommonPassion are greatly appreciated. All are welcome, so please tell your friends and colleagues.

12/12/09 Program was:
11:00 AM:
Being Nimble in Hyper-Time, facilitated by Joseph R Giove

Most of us are experiencing an acceleration of time. What does this really this mean when the seconds just keep ticking by at the same rate, while everything else keeps going faster? Our relationship to time significantly affects every area of our lives, most especially in the era nebulously called the End Times. In this group time-healing session, Joseph will guide an open discussion and exploration about time's acceleration and guide a powerful experiential process to begin/continue our wholesome balancing act on the accelerating "Timewave" we're surfing now.

12:00 PM:
Sacred Fire-Hunab Ku Sound and Light Healing, facilitated by Da Vid, MD

In this session we will be exploring the profound effect music and sacred geometric images have to align us with the inner self and all that is. Particiapnts, collectively and simultaneously, will watch a 9 minute Sacred Fire video on YouTube that Da Vid produced:

Da Vid will also play a five-minute segment of the Hunab Ku, Cosmic Tranmsissions for the Galactic Center sacred initiation music. He will end the session with a 5 minute inner/outer peace sound healing with the symphonic gong, which holds all the harmonics and overtones of the Sacred Om.

2:00 PM:
Repatterning for Mastering the Art of Giving, facilitated by Elizabeth Tobin, JD

Did you know that studies show that giving to others is good for your health? But giving is a complex art, and how you give is just as important as what you give. The balanced way of giving is to give only what you have, and to respect the strength and dignity of your recipients. This may seem obvious but how many times have you given of yourself when you felt depleted, given out of a sense of duty and obligation, or felt compelled to help even though it was not your place? Trouble saying no, feeling drained by others' emotions or negativity, or needing to "fix" your loved ones' problems are all signs that you could use some support in mastering the art of giving.

Join this repatterning and move into resonance with balanced giving. Align with true generosity that comes from your heart and gives power, dignity and strength to yourself and to others!

3:00 PM:
Sound Healing Circle for Attuning to Joy, facilitated by Barry Goldstein

Relax and Rejuvenate in this experiential sound healing circle with Grammy Award Winning Producer and Sound Healer Barry Goldstein. Identify and release energetic blocks you are holding and attune to the frequency of Joy using sacred sound. Program based on group energy connecting us to being in "The Moment."
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Kind of Blue Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-13-09 04:43 PM
Response to Original message
1. Thank you, Rumpel. I'll be sure to listen to "Being Nimble in
Hyper-Time" :thumbsup: Time has been moving so fast for me for a few years now. I'm sure it's because of aging. Maintain schedules, set priorities and now its basically mid December - somehow the years seem reduced to 6months :rofl:
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rumpel Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-13-09 05:24 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. :)
Yes - I don't know where all those months of 2009 went, either... :)
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get the red out Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-13-09 06:04 PM
Response to Original message
3. Question?
I have felt the acceleration of time to be true, though I'm not well educated in the esoteric, just very interested. My question is, does it sometimes also "slow down"? Not in the sense that the last hour before quitting time at work seems to take forever, but actually slow perhaps due to something happening on the time line or other undefined reasons?

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rumpel Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-14-09 12:59 AM
Response to Reply #3
4. Very possible
Recently it has been rare for me, but I think it has all to do with what we can perceive at any given moment. I do not know whether we do shift in and out of energy fields and or dimensions...but when time slows down it feels like being suspended in the cosmos, almost as if I am not here. I don't know if that makes sense...I do not think I had an OBE, (even when close to death) but perhaps it is similar. No, I do think it must be close to an OBE experience, because I remember everything in slow motion if you will.
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get the red out Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-14-09 07:24 AM
Response to Reply #4
5. I had the extreme slow down once
In a car accident, minor fender bender but I could have been injured if things hadn't "slowed" and somehow my foot hit the gas when the car load of college students ran the red light. They hit my back fender rather than the driver's side door (and me). That was years ago.

There have been other times when it feels to me like time is running just slightly slower, or at least everything is far more vivid during that time. 911 comes to mind, not the event but the hours preceding it, I noticed EVERYTHING that morning when getting ready for work, even saw a shot of a woman sweeping her front stoop in downtown New York on TV during the news show I had on and thought how beautiful and peaceful New York was on a sunny Tuesday morning, like everywhere else. I noticed the sun on the walk from my parking garage to my building, how bright it was and how warm it was going to be again that day, VIVID, I even wondered why I was noticing everything. Then by 8AM I was STARVED, like my stomach had run along without me, and I had eaten breakfast before work. I was eating my banana I had brought for a snack when my husband called and asked if I had seen a TV.

This sort of thing had happened to me another morning a few months before 911 when I walked by an old building being renovated on the campus where I work, the oldest in fact, I noticed every detail of the renovation as I walked by it and just stared at it when I usually would just silently curse the mess that blocked my path. That old building was on fire when I got off work that afternoon and was completely gutted, one of the workers accidentally got careless with a torch near the wood frame of the 120 year old attic. Poof! Other times I have had this "feeling" and nothing has happened though. Strange.

That was just an illustration. It doesn't happen much, but it seems sometimes like time is consistently speeding up, or our consciousness, then times it goes back to what it once was, or becomes for vivid, for a short period of time.

Just my weird musings.
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