From the Quantum Awakening _ Gillian McBeth-Louhan December 31, 2009, we have a Blue Moon Lunar Eclipse. This is the most important New Years Eve we have ever been gifted in a long time. It asks us to ‘flash forward’ into the next 2 years to see what we can see. No matter how much you do not believe prophecy from time and earth, it will still affect your energy field and your choices.
This New Years Eve 2009 create an ‘I AM TEMPLATE’, an energetic road map into the next 2 years. Command the energies into a direction that serves the better good on all levels of your life. Ask the Light/Angels/God/ to release what still pushes your buttons and pulls your strings. Release the pettiness between you and others, the green-eyed energy that sucks your light. Release the anger that drains you of your strength, just keeping it alive. Release the expectations you have of others, as they ride their own horse of a different color.
The I AM TEMPLATE consists of an eternal circle. First, draw the large circle repeating the words I LIVE IN A PLACE OF PLENTY. 2ND On the inside of the circle place everything you plan on creating in the next 2 yrs. ALL OF YOUR DREAMS ASPIRATIONS, WANTS, NEEDS, AS WELL AS WHAT YOU WANT FOR THE PLANET. On the outside of the Circle write everything you are CHOOSING to RELEASE. Release all that does not serve your highest good any longer. Be specific in those releases. Then on New Years Eve bless the ‘I AM TEMPLATE’ and then burn it, releasing its ashes like a sacred prayer on smoke.
Dec 31, 2009: Partial Lunar Eclipse is numerically a 7/11 (#9) vibration
Cosmic and personal completion! Entering the next level of love of heart, of soul and service to the planetary evolution through healing self. Free-falling from the height of the nine into the next level of Light. Entry and exits all in the same breath. A quantum leap into unknown gifts comes through the nine. Are you ready to see and be more than you are at this minute of time? Nine is the photo finish on the heavenly line of multiple choices. If you believe you have won, you have. Your New Years resolutions on 12/31/2009 will be more powerful than a super nova. Their vibration will surpass space and time and land at the feet of God. Be careful what you pray for, as it will come to past.