Edited on Fri Dec-25-09 12:19 PM by northernlights
and trying to get something for nothing...and from somebody else who is broke. As long as you haven't spent your own money, but only time and talent, then remember if worst comes to worst you can always chalk this one up to experience. Freelancers always face the prospect of getting stiffed on individual jobs. If it helps, I remember when my former mentor was stiffed to the tune of $10K by my former boss at the multi-billion dollar multi-national... :hug:
In the past, FL, each of my critters got presents. This year, it's recycled and hand made toys. Cody Carrottops destroyed her favorite corner heavy rope perch/hangout. I can't complain; it held up for many years of chewing pleasure. I couldn't find a replacement for sale, even if I could have afforded it. So instead she got a clean apple tree branch with the remains of the old rope wrapped around it. She still is afraid of the new thing lurking in the corner of her cage, lol. Sooner or later, she'll investigate, adopt it, and then chew it apart. Luckily I still have several apple trees in dire need of pruning. :rofl:
All of Luna's toys are chewed up hand-me-downs from Jake except a $1 frisbee. But since Luna didn't have any toys or playmates or freedom or even a decent bed when he was on death row, he's easy to please. Luna's gift was a trip to the vet for his rabies shot. Poor baby was terrified. I've taken his socialization very slowly due initially to him and then to my lack of time. As soon as he realized he was going in the car, he started shaking and tried to run away. And then hit the ground and rolled onto his back, begging and shaking :cry: :hug: Poor guy...everytime he's gone in a car, he's lost the home he'd come to know. Whether his place of birth, the tiny cell on death row, the quarantine kennel, whoever used to hit him in the head, or wherever else he'd been before he came here. At the vet, he broke his leash collar, squeezed out between my legs while I was scrambling to fix the collar and leash him, and bolted toward the highway. I lunged onto him and left my purse in the snow while wrestling him to the ground to try and collar him. I had to carry 50 pounds of terrified, struggling doggie to the door, cajoling to no effect. When I tried to close the vet's door behind us, he bolted again and was again loose by the highway. I yelled LUNA NO! and he hit the ground, rolled onto his back, again shaking and begging. I picked him up a 2nd time and struggled to carry him in. This time the vet's son was at the door and he close it behind us.
This may not seem like much of a gift, but by the end of the visit Luna realized he wasn't going to be either hurt by the strange man or abandoned by me. He was petted and loved on and given treats. He met and made 2 new friends...a pair of cocker spaniels. While I was paying the bill (which was a gift to me! -- no extras tacked on) a strange lady patted him and complimented his *smile.* I still had to pick him up to put him in the car, but he was no longer terrified. We stopped by the post office and then the food store, and he waited patiently and confidently.
His gift was a real home, and now riding in a car is no longer a terror -- it's a potential adventure. At night, I stroke his face and remind him of the wonder of his life. "There once was a very poor doggie; he lost his home. He wandered the streets til he was picked up for loitering, and sent to jail. Day after day, he waited for someone to get him. But nobody did. And then his jailers said, "Nobody is coming for you. We'll have to send you away forever. 2 times, his LAST DAY approached, and 2 times he was given a reprieve. And then just before his 3rd LAST DAY, his jailer said 'There will be no reprieve for you this time.' And then a Christmas miracle happened, and instead of being put to sleep for his LAST DAY, he was taken off death row and readied for his new home.
"Luna, you have a name. You have your very own whistle you run to. You have a mommie who calls and whistles your whistle for you, so you can come running. You have a big brother to play with and protect you. You have a bone. You have cookies. You have a warm soft bed. You have plenty to eat. You have a kitty and two ponies to play with. You have a yard. You have a ball. You have a frisbee. You have a home. Once you were a very poor doggie. And now you are a very wealthy doggie."
Love is what matters, FL. It is what we are here to learn and to teach. Material gifts do not equal love. Home equals love. Warmth, enough to eat, hugs and caring for each other. :hug: :hug: :hug: