Regarding the Activists' action of 8/8, I'm not certain what time zone you referenced, (UT?), however, that whole day is seen on the top 30th harmonic chart, it is a day when transiting Mercury retrograde conjuncted transiting Mars (30th harmonic conjunction), then later transiting Sun conjuncts transiting Uranus, Neptune, and the North Node, while simultaneously conjuncting the natal grouping (horizontal dashed lines) representing Sun, Venus, Uranus, Mercury, and Neptune; on that day there is a noticeable lack of conjunctions, except for Pluto, occurring along the horizontal dashed lines of natal Jupiter, Saturn, Moon, and Pluto, which appear grouped together due to the 12 degree (30th harmonic or 360 divided by 30) overlay.
Regardless of whatever interpretation one assigns to the various harmonics of that day, we can see the outcome, Cindy Sheehan has become something of a cause celebre for the stopping of further war killing. As the first 30th harmonic chart above indicates for DU Activist Corps members, it was a "good" astrological time to undertake an action in support of a worthy cause.
Briefly, the 30th harmonic applies strongly to the DU Activists Corps natal chart, and its simply a very quick way of determining when certain aspects are energized by planetary activity. The 30th harmonic probably shouldn't be used in the absence of a 1st harmonic chart, where the most "powerful" energetic times are visible. One idea is that with a 30th harmonic chart, the power of a conjunction is its inverse, or 1/30th. However, this is oversimplified because at times when a conjunction is occurring simultaneously in the 1st harmonic, (which is also seen in the 30th harmonic (because 1 is a mathematical "factor" of 30)), the most power manifests. The conjunction of which I write is seen in the above charts when two sloped lines (representing transiting planets) cross each other.
It's also important to realize the use of the 30th harmonic chart in this way is unique to this particular natal time. The 30th harmonic chart may be useless with another natal time.
Most of the theory of this particular chart is presented by me in the referenced link proved in the first post, in a thread started by icymist. Harmonics was, in modern days, "popularized" by John Addey, but I've seen some online references that there may be some very old texts that that also described the use of harmonics, texts that may have been destroyed or hidden away during the time of the crusades or earlier. However, centuries before the advent of the computer when complex calculations were easily performed, there likely was an incentive to limit the use of harmonics to aspects based upon division of the circle into at most 12 parts.