Was just in the science forum in a *discussion* about the value of homeopathy there were a few who wanted to discuss it and share their experiences so I thought I'd present an opportunity to do that here where more are open to it. I know we have quite a few folks here who are quite knowledgeable and we've had numerous discusssions on the topic already...but what the hey...maybe there are some new folks who want to chime in ;)
I find the use on animals fascinating.....and have used Flower Essences myself for family- 2leggeds &4leggeds.
Please feel free to discuss....:)
Like cures like....."Homeopathy uses principles that are inherent in all natural healing and are as basic as the laws of gravity. Its foundation principle is, Like Cures Like - Similia Similibus Curentur. Cure occurs when the sick person is given that substance which can cause the symptoms of their sickness in a healthy person. This principle has been found in the works of Hippocrates, father of modern medicine, and throughout the history of herbal medicine. However it was not until the 1700s that the prodigal German physician, Samuel Christian Hahnemann elucidated this medical science, which has continued to evolve to this day. <snip>
Maybe its this part below, that the more science minded have a problem with. If one does not agree that there is more levels than just the physical, then it would seem nesxt to impossible to have any useful discussion about it.
"The Similimum has the power to stimulate the entire organism to heal itself. It sets up a curative response that works on many levels - energetic, physical, mental-emotional, and spiritual, enabling a resolution of even some of the most difficult illnesses. Homeopathy, therefore, has a wide field of applicability and can be used to treat most disorders, be they physical, psychosomatic, or psychological in nature.