Trust Mr. Morford to put the most eloquent positive spin on the subject:
Dear 2010; Be not like 2009
Please let us never go through sh-t like that ever again"Did you feel it? Did you reach up and lick the full, pregnant, bursting blue moon on New Year's Eve? Did you howl and wail and stomp your feet and raise your glass high and say oh my God let us now move and dance and shimmy and finally, finally get this nasty nefarious monkey of a doomed decade off our collective backs once and for all? I hope you did.
"It was a portentous night in many ways, this particular New Year's Eve, and not just because of the auspicious moon. It was, most notably, the end of the Aughts, the Zeros, the Zips, and everything they contained, hurled, dragged us down into like a Goliath tarantula drags down an unsuspecting sparrow.
"(And yes, I also acknowledge how, technically speaking, the real end of the decade isn't until this time next year. Whatever. We're going with feel, energy, the flip and lurch of time and consciousness. You going to argue with that?)
"Let us just say it outright: Good riddance to the Zeros. It was, as widely noted, the decade from hell. It was easily one of the worst periods in recent American history, upwards of 3600 days drenched in fear and ignorance and bitter divisiveness, nipples and anthrax and macho shock n' awe, economic implosions and endless conservative puling about God and gays and terrorism, all slashed through with so much political misprision and presidential ineptitude it's going to require many more years until we the deep, humiliating scars inflicted by Dubya & Co. are fully healed." I just have to include my favorite paragraph:
"Climate change will cause enough ice to melt in the mountains of Turkey that Noah's Ark will finally be revealed as verifiable truth. Archaeologists will discover the big ol' boat was full of Buddha statues and Shakti icons and golden Dionysus sculptures and huge stone fertility penises, giant wine vessels and goddess offerings and the seeds of many hallucinogenic plants, indicating it was actually the site the first and greatest pagan bacchanalia party cruise of all time.":rofl: Love that man.