...I was living in one huge house, a compilation of every house I've ever lived in, therefore I was located in a very HUGE neighborhood!!!
This is often representative of all stages of your life. Considering you are looking at another biopsy, it may be your mind "flashing your life before your eyes." However, don't take that as a bad thing. Your mind may be trying to make sense of a "life threating" event, real or imagined.
In the dream the weather was mild and there were parties going on in everyones backyards, with every neighbor I can ever remember having, coming in and out of my house at will, while I was trying to sleep!! I finally got so pissed off in my dream, that I got up and tried to shoo them all out of my house. Some left peacefully, but some didn't.
Nature, herself, was in a state of relaxation. Your former neighbors were in a 'festive' mood and wanted you to be a part of it, but you wanted only "retreat." This seems like a sign of those around you rallying around you, feeling unsure how to express such support, and you feeling irritated by their "intrusion." You may be anxious, but there is a sense of calm and others "asking about the situation" is only causing more anxiety. Some are giving you your space (close friends), others, not so much, likely co-workers.
Next thing I knew there were people, complete strangers, coming into my home and going through all of my "stuff"! The more I protested because they wouldn't leave, the angrier and more fearful I became....to the point that I knocked some teenage guy down on the floor, stomped on him, thought I'd killed him, and poured water on him to revive him only to find that the water had drowned him!!!!
This part may well be the doctors. They are "violating" your body; i.e. "going through your stuff." You don't want the procedure, no matter how useful it may be, and it is causing great fear. You may be confronting your own mortality (the idea that many young people, teens in particular, think "they can't die"). You emotions (water) have been so overwhelming, you feel you are drowning in your own fears, mortality, and the unknown.
Yikes...so I started trying to call 911 for help on every phone in the house and couldn't get through on any of them(I have three phones on land line) I finally remembered my cell phone in my pocketbook, and was able to get through on that.
911 is the call for help. You realize no matter what is happening, you need help. The land-lines may be the "practical" side (anyone in the house could have used them) trying to make sense/get help. It is, however, your every personal move (cell phone in your pocketbook...no one else can get to this), which indicates you are still in control, you will find the strength in crisis, to do what is needed on a personal level.
I hope this helps and I hope things turn out well. In an unrelated feeling, there are about 4 doctors involved, one, in particular annoys you, but that's the one you trust the most. I guess, I am saying, follow your instinct.