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Clairaudiance......the gift of "Hearing" on the inner-planes..

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Home » Discuss » DU Groups » Religion & Spirituality » Astrology, Spirituality & Alternative Healing Group Donate to DU
winyanstaz Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-26-10 10:09 PM
Original message
Clairaudiance......the gift of "Hearing" on the inner-planes..
As each soul "blooms" at a different rate and often in different do our gifts manifest for us at different rates.

Once in a great while...someone who is clairaudiant will receive the gift of "Hearing" with the astral ears all at once.

This can be more difficult in my opinion then when the gift develops at a more normal rate.

What would be a "normal rate"? Well basically that would be a gift that unfolds/manifests in little starts and spurts ...comes and goes for a while until we learn to recognize it for what it is and can tell the difference between our own thoughts and those we are picking up and/or "hearing and/or "Knowing" by means of the astral senses.

Remember, for each and every physical sense...we have a corresponding astral sense.
Our astral/dreaming body is the same as our physical body in that we have the same senses...a nose,(smell) three eyes,(seeing & "Seeing") two ears,(hearing) a mouth (taste) and the nerves in our skin (feeling/sensation).

(I might do a post later on about the three eyes)

Children "see" and "hear" etc very easily as their little energy fields are still bright and clear.

What is sad is when adults that are not waking up and that have never had a single experience in "hearing" or any of the other gifts and powers...decide that the child is mentally ill.

I once had a student who, as a small child underwent an operation. When she woke up...her window was facing the side of a hill and she saw who she "knew" was God walking on the side of the hill and looking at her and talking to her.

The figure told her not to worry and that she would soon be well. She had been terribly frightened when she woke up alone in the hospital bed but after the spirit appeared to her she was fine...until her parents got there.

It was very vivid for her but when she told her parents...they became terribly upset and ended up sticking her into an institution where she was drugged up for a few years until she got old enough to lie to the Dr's and say she knew that she didn't really see God and that it was just a dream.

She went on to become a very good Seer and has a good life and does not need drugs once she learned about her spiritual gifts and powers.

I am clairaudiant.

The words and songs my band does are mostly songs I have "heard" clairaudiently...just like someone is sitting there singing them to me.

If I "hear" a song...I hurry to write it down so I don't forget the words and then sing it for my oldest son who puts the music together for the band.

Sometimes I only "hear" the someone speaking. Or sometimes this one:

Here is one a Robin gave to me.

The Robin's song.

Come sit down beside me I'll tell you a story
About our Earth Mother..a long time ago.
Once there were blue skies and white clouds and rainbows.
and we never hid from the rain's in the spring.

Soft on the earth there were plants we called green grass.
High over head there were bird's that would sing.
There were sparrows and swallows and seagulls and eagles...
But I miss the Robin that came in the spring.

He'd sit on my fence post and eat all my earthworms..
When he was full he would take to his wing..
His coat, it was brown and his breast a bright cherry.
We knew it was spring from the song he would sing.

And so now my children, if anyone asks you..
Once long ago there were all of these things.
Sparrows and swallows and sea-gulls and eagles..
But I miss the Robin that came in the spring.

:) I have always thought of the gift of "hearing" as a wonderful thing. It has given me great joy over the years and a few times..has warned me in time to save my life.
Like the time I interrupted the momma grizzly and her cub fresh out of the den with the freshly killed goat they were having for supper.....
But thats another story.......:)

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conscious evolution Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-26-10 10:57 PM
Response to Original message
1. I call it the third ear!
For me it manifests in others music.I can almost always tell when a musician is awake by his music.It has a sound that is unlike most music.Kinda hard to explain,though.On the surface it will sound like other music but its different.One way I can tell is by the kundalini reaction I have.The fire runs up my spine and the next thing I know I will be dancing like a hindu god/goddess.
When this happens the music reveals the curtain that seperates the other dimensions.I just have to find the opening and next thing I know I am on the other side.Are you familar with mudras?On this side mudras just look like weird hand gestures.When on the otherside,one can see just how much power is being unleashed by them.I learned,the hard way,to be very careful when doing them.

Some of the bands/musicians that play such music:CSN(especially songs by D Crosby),the Grateful Dead,Dave MathewsBand,Donna the Buffalo,The Beatles(Lennon andHarrison songs,mainly),Deep Blue Son, and Sound Tribe Sector 9.Drum circles also reveal the curtain for me.Same with Hindu tantric mantras.
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winyanstaz Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-27-10 02:31 AM
Response to Reply #1
4. I like that discription...the Third ear ;)
It is very can always tell when a Shaman or Medicine Woman is singing their own Power Songs. :)
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Fire Walk With Me Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-27-10 01:26 PM
Response to Reply #1
9. Thank you for reinforcing the power of the mudras.
When I'm low on energy, a quick mudra sets things aflow.

Thank you to those who have given them to us.
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winyanstaz Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-28-10 01:56 AM
Response to Reply #9
18. If you look at pictures of the yogas you will see a pattern in red
drawn on the palms in their "holy" pictures.
They are trying to show us the energy centers there..and the mudras are ways of moving that energy.
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rumpel Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-27-10 12:22 AM
Response to Original message
2. I thoroughly enjoy your posts, winyanstaz.
I intent to try the other 2 posts, when I am not under continued stress - or at least at a moment when I feel right to do them. :)

As a child I used to hear presences make noises, but never any spoken messages. Later on in my late teens, meditations will bring forth animals to gather around me. I think, that in terms of messages I do probably get them in sudden visions, so I am not clairaudiant.
For a while I thought it is quite interesting to read some of the astrology, and other such wisdoms to indicate that in some previous life I may have been a healer. Sick animals come to me, but I am usually at a loss, and feel bad that I am not a healer, and usually just massage, and try to make them feel better. And yet, I wonder, while at the same time doubt, whether there are gifts that I should be using.

My life experiences of the so called paranormal are many, so that I am continuously seeking answers, perhaps to justify to the scientific minds. And yet, it does not need justification. In this respect I find this 3 dimensional existence extremely stressful, that I sometimes think, I may be a newbie on this earth plane experience, since deep down, to me, the vibrational communication seem to be the norm and so beautiful...

Thank you for your posts. :hi:
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winyanstaz Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-27-10 02:23 AM
Response to Reply #2
3. Thank you rumpel :)
I love to hear if someone likes a is nice to know I may have shared something they can use.
Sometime we go along for a long time with times of a lot of experiences and other times...nothing much to speak of...but then..after many ups and downs and long looks within...
We find the missing pieces of our puzzle and everything clicks into place! And it is so is all so beautiful that words cannot convey it.
However we will all get there someday..sooner or later because we cannot help but become who we truly are...and that is beautiful too. :)
Hang in there my friend on this wonderful is worth the effort/ :)
And for anyone that has gotten far enough that they are even interested in the least in these types of a very positive sign they are well on their way. :)
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OneGrassRoot Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-27-10 04:44 AM
Response to Original message
5. You're awesome

Simply awesome. :)



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winyanstaz Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-27-10 05:00 PM
Response to Reply #5
11. your a sweet soul OneGrassRoots....
and very kind.
I have enjoyed getting to know you very much. :)
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rosesaylavee Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-27-10 08:40 AM
Response to Original message
6. Thank you for this
Your Robin poem is so very sad tho!
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winyanstaz Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-27-10 04:59 PM
Response to Reply #6
10. I think it was a warning that the robin gave me was in a song..
which will be going out on the www and hopefully will make people think. :)
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Celebration Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-27-10 08:40 AM
Response to Original message
7. I have a friend whose daughter has schizophrenia
that interferes with her life in a major way. The problem is not the hearing voices. The problem is hearing voices and not being able to filter them with the rational mind. I have heard voices, mostly as I awaken in the morning. I realize that these voices are from another dimension. That should be welcomed and can obviously provide a lot of insight.

As the other thread indicates, a lot of kids hear voices and it causes them absolutely no problems. I'm pretty sure I was in that category. I would hear voices occasionally but I knew how to distinguish between those voices and other physical voices.

I find it really interesting that brain damage of various sorts can cause the veil to be lifted. From an evolutionary perspective, we are supposed to function on the physical plane it seems. That must have some sort of spiritual purpose.

There was a story last night on C to C about a person who was so psychotic that he was in a wheelchair. He saw snakes everywhere, even when they weren't there. So, the NLP guy's three hour cure was to take a whole lot of fake snakes, and put them into a bathroom, along with a couple of real boa constrictors. He wheeled in the psychotic guy, who went nuts at all the snakes. So, they told him he could escape the snakes once he identified the two REAL snakes, which he did right away. Then they talked to him about that, and asked him what the "unreal" snakes looked like that he saw all the time. Turns out they were transparent! So they retaught his mind to be able to distinguish between the physical snakes and the ones he saw. From my perspective it would have been a lot easier to perform some sort of exorcism.

Anyway, it is an interesting topic--experiences that are on the physical plane, and those that don't.

Another interesting thing to ponder is the difference between creative inspiration and automatic writing. Is there a difference in kind, or just a difference in degree? Could be either.

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Fire Walk With Me Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-27-10 01:25 PM
Response to Reply #7
8. Neat.
I've long thought that crystal meth users and other users of the "big" drugs are actually piercing the dreamtime, but unfortunately, into the lower dimensions (where cannabis, tobacco and the poppy live). Spiders, snakes, bats...are likely real in that realm, but not in the physical. Tell that to anyone who is seeing them all of the time.

There was a movie a while back, based on a Lovecraft story. Not a very good film, but the sections about enhancing the pineal/third eye, and the sudden perception of another dimension's creatures (in this case, hideous), is normal to shaman journeymen and abos, but is of course nonsense to us "advanced" westerners. Even those who can tell when someone is looking at them and turn around to confirm it. And who think of someone before they receive a phone call from them. Of course, such things are nonsense :rofl:

Automatic writing segues into the next issue I wish to post time in a psych ward. Whee. A week or so prior, I wrote "be prepared, betrayal". Of course, forewarned was not forearmed. I still have this note and no one but you folks would possibly believe it to be anything approaching the realm of truth.

In the ward, a man who heard voices played Scrabble with me. We had talked about his voices, and I'd warned him that some could lead to bad results. He tried a word on the board which did not exist. The dictionary confirmed it, and he said that the voices had given it to him. A nice, soft lesson that they are not all for his greatest good...

I don't hear voices but sometimes prayers and phrases spring into my awareness. I've posted a few here; they can be separated from my own inner workings in that they are unselfish and often have very good structure and use of language, to which I strive, yet seldom attain.

"Utopia shall not simply be handed to us.
It shall be built, by each and every action intending it."

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winyanstaz Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-27-10 05:14 PM
Response to Reply #7
12. You raised some very good points there..
"I find it really interesting that brain damage of various sorts can cause the veil to be lifted."

Yes it can and so can drugs, starvation, intense fear, near death experiences and illness/fevers as well as meditation.

Meditation is the safest way I believe.
It may well be that part of the reason I had so many experiences as a small child was that I was usually near starvation/extreme hunger and malnourished. Also I was in violent situations sometimes which may have also caused me to flee my body.
However I was always able to tell the difference between being in the physical world or being out of my physical body. I believe not everyone is that lucky when in those kinds of situations.

"From an evolutionary perspective, we are supposed to function on the physical plane it seems. That must have some sort of spiritual purpose."

That is absolutely correct.
We are not our bodies...we are energy beings/spirits that have several for each plane.
We need these in order to "step down" our extremely fine rate of vibration as a order to operate on the physical plane.
Everything on this physical plane is slowed down.
In is only on this physical plane that time exists..and it exists for a special reason.
It is all for our benefit.
We are awesome beings and awesome beings need awesome lessons.
The physical plane is "school" for us.
This is where we learn the results of our thoughts, our actions and our inactions and how (someday) to learn how to think correctly.
You do not want beings of unlimited power running around the universe until they have learned how to behave. :)
We are the children of the Universe, true "star children".
And just so you know...we are loved unconditionally. :)
We are eternal beings, each and every one of us an aspect of God/Goddess/Great Spirit/IAM and birth and death are only gateways.

"Oh.. death..where is thy sting?"
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Cleita Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-27-10 06:44 PM
Response to Reply #7
13. I tend to be clairaudient. I hear distant music and muffled conversations from other dimensions and
some very clear voices telling me things. I have asked my spirit guides and guardian angels questions and often get very clear spoken answers. My employer, who is a doctor, tells me that it's a sign of schizophrenia, but thinks that I'm pretty rational, so he doesn't understand what's going on with me. He ventured that maybe I have really good hearing but even he knows it's not possible to hear what I hear from even my closest neighbor. He won't believe me that I get directions or information because of the "voices". No voice is telling me to kill or harm anyone or any of the stuff that real schizophrenics have to deal with. The other night one of my gas pilots went out and a voice told me to wake up right now. When I did, I recognized the smell of onions that propane is infused with. I was able to fix the pilot with no problems so it's operating as it should. The only thing I can't do is get them to talk to me when they don't want to. Bummer. I'm at their mercy.
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eilen Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-28-10 12:50 AM
Response to Reply #13
15. I'm given information sometimes too
It is like someone is talking to me, but in my head. It hasn't happened recently. Sometimes it is about stuff I don't even need to know-- for instance, that a patient's spouse is unfaithful. Other times it is a reassurance because I get the vibe that the voice/individual does not want me to be unduly stressed. I'd like to hear more.

It gives me the same feeling I have when I read something or hear something that meshes with my gut--resonates- a red flag getting my attention whether it is a part of conversation, a passage in a book, a song. It has become apparent to me from these modes of information that things will likely become worse for people in this country economically but that is unavoidable as we have to correct an imbalance. This period will be very difficult and tumultuous and many will suffer. We will emerge stronger and have a better life and society but (I see The Tower in my mind) institutions/old patterns need to be uprooted for this to happen. Think of a garden or a bone marrow transplant. The best things we can do is to remember the sacred in each other and give compassion (as well as to ourselves) and not blame each other or ourselves. Give a hand to a neighbor. Be kind. Love. These are the things that will keep each other from despair.

Focus on the local, don't get too distracted by what is going on in Washington. Reduce consumption, learn to get by with less, slow down. Take time to take care of yourself and rebuild health, first step is to reduce stress.

That is the balance of what I have received, and have not been given this all at once but piecemeal.
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Cleita Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-28-10 01:47 AM
Response to Reply #15
16. I got the Tower too in an end of last year question I asked
the Tarot about social problems. It looks to me like we are going to have to crash totally before we can rebuild. Since I'm pretty old already, I don't think I will be around for the rebuilding part, but I hope it will work for those who are still around.
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winyanstaz Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-28-10 01:50 AM
Response to Reply #15
17. I forgot to include the voice of Seeing and Knowing....
Some people think it is the voice of God...our own higher self.
Some say it is our conscience speaking.
I call it the voice of Seeing and Knowing..
It usually is not very loud..expecially at first but the more you pay attention to it..the louder and stronger it gets.
It's that little voice that if you don't pay attention to are always sorry later.
Not every thought that comes into your head is your own thought. We have a telepathic organ of sending and receiving and western science calls that the pineal gland...and here is a link to what western science has to say about it.

but at least they admit they still do not know all it does.

I have seen writings trying to tie it to the Third eye as well.

As a Yoga that has raised the kundilini to the crown chakra I can say IMO and in my own experiences that the pineal gland is the seat of the crown chakra but it is not the Third eye..although the two do connect during enlightenment.

I bring all that up because the voice of "Seeing and Knowing" becomes strongest as we awaken in consciousness.
Once you hear it will never mistake it for anything else.

Carlos Castanadas' teacher...the sorcerer Don Juan had some very important lessons regarding the voice of "Seeing and Knowing". Although I do not agree with the idea that the sorcerer has to do the whole lizard thing that he talks about to be able to hear the voice..(no I have never had to cut off a lizards eye lids and fasten it to my shoulders to hear the voice of "Seeing and Knowing"..heheh) it still is fairly accurate in all the other accounts that he gives on the matter.
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Fire Walk With Me Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-28-10 02:21 PM
Response to Reply #13
19. Interesting.
I am now aware that a good deal of my psychic sense is the result of being given information, not in purposely searching it out (which is "psychic", and being given information is "not", in a general sense).

Per your natural gas experience, I've had this occur more than once in my life. Even today I suddenly "felt" to not go to the library (and get online) as early as I usually do. I was able to take care of something as a result, which otherwise I would not have had opportunity with. In the past, for example, I once was playing CDs and sometimes left the stereo on when not there, to "prime" the energy of the room. This time I "felt" to stick around a while, and the old amplifier began burning a few minutes after I would have left. I still haven't looked inside of it to determine what immolated (I have other gear).

I am extremely grateful for this guidance.
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omega minimo Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-27-10 11:18 PM
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14. .
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conscious evolution Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-28-10 08:52 PM
Response to Reply #14
20. I can't believe you said that
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winyanstaz Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-29-10 06:03 AM
Response to Reply #20
21. you mean about the lizards eyeballs?
Yes I found it rather revolting myself but it was a ritual the ancient ones used never the less with their students...
Just glad I never had to experience that one :P heheh
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