My first experience with "Seeing" a plant deva came about after my plant got damaged. I had a rather huge and very lovely coleus plant that I was very fond of. I had it for several years and had grown very attached.
I came home from shopping one day with my husband and as soon as I opened the front door...there was my plant looking terribly scalped and I could see it was actually slow motion "writhing" in pain and I "heard" it crying! I often can "hear" a plant's distress, like when they are tipped over outside or need a drink or whatever, so "hearing" the crying wasn't new but what happened next was. My student, who lived with us at the time, was fond of plants and thinking that the plant needed to be pruned (I had mentioned I was going to do the job later) had chopped off the ends..thinking she was doing me a favor. The plant was in terrible pain however and with a little cry of sympathy I dropped my bag of groceries and I rushed over to give it a zap and I began pouring energy into the plant. I felt the immense relief of the plant while I stood there with my arms around it and suddenly it became calm and I was amazed to see something forming. I was right over the top of the plant and I suddenly realized I was looking at a pattern of energy over the top of the plant (it was in my face...I couldn't miss it if I had wanted to) that was not only the same colors as in the leaf of the plant but moving in the same patterns and shape as the leaves and branches...but right above the top leaves of the plant and extending about a foot and a half higher than the plant itself. I felt the plants gratefulness as I gave it energy and helped to seal the ends of the stems..and I was sending calming and healing thoughts to it as I tried to help it.
I tried to stay there as long as I could hold my arms up but eventually I had to move away and when I did the image faded. My student and my husband were both in the room and were both excitedly shouting at me the whole while. As they were further away from the plant they could see the whole pattern while I could only see the part I had my face next to. They both said they saw the same image that I did over the top of the plant...almost a double image of the plant itself and the same colors and patterns..but what they saw that I did not see at the time were four "streamers" of energy from the pattern on top..going down and around the outside of the plant and on down into the soil. They both said it looked like a huge "bow" on top of the plant and with ribbons going down and around it like a package. If you are going to cut a plant..please take the time to tell the plant what you are going to do and give it a second or two to remove it's consciousness from the part you are cutting. Then take the time to give it a little energy and visualize the cut tips as closing over and sealing shut. The Native American way (harvesting in a Sacred Manner) to harvest plants in the wild is to never take all you see...the rule is never more than 1 out of every ten plants...and only at the time of extreme need if the plant is rare if possible.
This insures there will always be plants there when next you need some as well as for others. If you are growing a garden to harvest all the plants such as in a garden, tell the plants what you are going to do and assure them that one day, you two will take your turn on the wheel of life and your body will one day nourish the earth and feed the plants just as they will nourish you now and thank them for the gift of life they give you.
Promise them you will let at least one or more of each vegetable or fruit to go to seed and try to save the seeds if you can.
I have also been able to see a plant deva in other forms.
If you see a plant deva in a vision or a dream it will usually take a more "human" shape or appearance and will either be holding or even wearing "clothing" formed of the plant itself.
For example, a Rose Deva may hold out a rose perhaps or wear a dress made of rose petals.
I think they are what we call "fairies" when seen in those forms and they all have very different personalties as well. Plants are alive and very much aware of us.
Let us all return to our connection to the Earth Mother and all our relations and become aware of them.
Blessed Be :)