Edited on Wed Aug-24-05 06:17 PM by SimpleTrend
There are various rationales about birth certificate times and their accuracy and/or absence!
Anyway, here are my astrological ramblings. I'm not sure why, but I've had a great deal of difficulty writing this out:
Cindy's natal Uranus has transiting Saturn bearing down on it now, and for some time to come. By November, transiting Saturn moves to conjunct her natal Mars/Venus conjunction, where it enters apparent retrograde to return and cross natal Uranus again in February or March 2006, passing it only by a degree or two, then it crosses natal Uranus again around May 2006, after Saturn returns direct. In July 2006, transiting Mars meets transiting Saturn near the midpoint of her natal Uranus and Mars/Venus points (this happens at about the same point as what I describe in the last paragraph).
I'm reminded of the words of Robert Hand, who wrote something to the effect that Uranus is the anti-dote to Saturn's strict discipline.
Right now, transiting Saturn on natal Uranus in Leo creates a bi-polarity between two opposing forces. On one hand, there's the inhibiting and shrinking effect of Saturn's discipline correlating to some sadness, seen perhaps in Bush's refusal to meet with her, perhaps in some pro-war types seeking to provoke her, as well as others lending strength to her resolve to persevere in her quest for answers, and on the other hand, there's also some inner caution and diplomacy balanced against the boldness of her peace vigil. Rather than just sitting back and accepting her son's death as okay, Ms. Sheehan is acting on her grief instead of being complacent and fatalistic about it.
As Saturn contacts her natal Mars/Venus point later this year, the dynamic changes. Ares and Venus have a well known passion for each other. When Saturn reaches this point, Cindy is likely to feel a sense of loss, the restriction of something close to her heart. She's felt that since the death of her son, but this is the symbolic focal point of this portion of her grief in this cycle of Saturn direct-retrograde-direct transits in her chart, perhaps this point in time is where she begins the process of acceptance and healing. It is a big deal!
In 2006, when transiting Saturn moves back in apparent retrograde to natal Uranus she'll see a continual unfolding of events, almost a deja vu of sorts to right now, but it won't be precisely the same. When Saturn returns to direct motion, it meets natal Mars/Venus again, when Saturn completes the process started in Aug 2005.
In the near term, transiting Moon is at aphelion on Aug 31, 2005, near the midpoint of natal Uranus and natal Mars/Venus.
I echo zidzi's closing remark: "Stay Strong, Cindy!"