Heather Roan Robbins offers a look at the astrological for this week.
http://www.roanrobbins.com/starcodes/stathswk/thwkfmst.htmHere's a snippet
We may be sorely tempted to make a radical and impulsive emotional decision early in the week, and need to take a big deep breath and see if it’s really worth the cost. Something we want can feel just out of our reach, but whether our job is to release temptation or take it as a goad to leap across into new terrain will depend on how our circumsntaces, coices and how our chart is affected as Venus enters impulsive Aries and trines Mars in Leo, while Mars stations. We’re also tempted to pick a fight, back a cause, run away and join the circus, and generally get more passionate about life, but luckily our energy level may still be low enough to keep us out of trouble.
It is important to engage our heart in our life, and take this impulse as a reason to reinvest in what feeds us, feeds our life force. If we have been wavering in some longstanding decision, it may now become clear to us which way we really want to proceed. What has been stuck now begins to loosen. Venus forms tough aspect as the week progresses and suggest to us that make progress on one road, we have to say good bye to another. First, check to see if both paths can be woven together. But the fork in the road may be real and need to be faced before we progress.
On Wednesday, Mars turns direct; it has been retrograde since December 21 2009. Since Mars is the planet of motivation, resistance and physicality, it now releases energy which may have been dammed up for months. As Mars turns direct we see what people have been planning behind the scenes, their motivation now becomes apparent. Plans that have been blocked now get a green light. But not all those plans were nice ones. It’s a good time to avoid people with which we have longstanding feuds, avoid war zones, and hold those within in protective light.
It is a good time to get resumes ready and take advantage of a window of opportunity between now and mid-April, when Mercury retrogrades, to put in place dynamic new plans.
The week, one day at a time follows.