With an exam to cram for yesterday, I didn't see this until this morning. Wish I'd seen it sooner :) But still in time to be useful!
http://www.astrologyhome.com/Forecasts/Anne_Ortelee_weekly_astrology.htm“Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space lies our freedom and power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and freedom.” - Victor Frankl, Man's Search for Meaning
Mars stations this week so anger will be front and center. As will envy, action, war, aggression, drive, sex, power, energy, rage and acting out ~ all various forms of Mars energy. Temper tantrums. Because Mars is stopped in the sky, unfortunately, we will probably notice all the harder and more primal versions of Mars energy dancing around the room. Mars can’t move so he is frustrated. Anger is a secondary emotion of Mars‘ drive to DO SOME THING! See if you can find the primary emotion of Mars or some other planet (hint: look at planets in aspect to your Mars) at work under the secondary emotion of Anger. That is the emotional front to focus on and channel.
Underneath, behind, or inside anger, there was a primary feeling that appeared right before the anger. We always feel something right before anger. Drop down into your angry feelings and identify the triggering feeling beneath the anger. If you sit in your anger, you don’t actually know WHAT to DO to make it go away. You are angry. If you can identify the triggering emotion for your anger, you can strategize a solution or actions to take.....
....Mars is in Leo until June 7. You’ll process and work through the energy of Mars in Leo between now and then. No need to push the ocean of energy this week or attempt to overcome that stopped Mars energy. Notice, gather information, pause, watch the anger or whatever the Mars energy brings up ~ look below the surface to see what it is the PRIMARY emotion. THAT PRIMARY EMOTION is what you are supposed to work with between now and June. Get clear on what it is this week so you can work with it over the next couple of months as Mars retraces his steps in Leo.....
....We are finishing up an 84 year cycle with Uranus in the late degrees of Pisces, asking us to start a new chapter of creativity, chaos, change and creation in June. We are finishing up a 12 year cycle with Jupiter in Pisces asking us to start a new cycle of relationships, community, spirituality, beliefs and connections in June. That is part of why I’ve been encouraging you to come up with your new mythology. All this change is coming! And a brand new cycle of creation will begin on June 6-8. Today you get to see the patterns that contributed to your OLD cycle clearly. If you understand your PATTERNS you can change them to fit your new dreams. You can also modify your PATTERNS to work with your life.