So, start by getting comfortable. Read through the exercise first and then you can begin once you are comfortable. You can sit where you are or you can sit somewhere else. You may feel inclined to go lie down. Wherever you are, know that we will be all together. Time and space will have no meaning. We will be in one time, one space.
Once you begin this journey, you can read back through this message and let your body stay relaxed with no interruption. It’s fine.
Begin by shielding yourself in whatever way you feel best. Please use whatever tool you use on a daily basis to create safety for yourself.
If you wish, you can simply visualize a powerful, translucent golden shield of light all around you, from head to toe, protecting you from all outside forces and giving you warmth, radiance, light, and power. Anything negative will bounce harmlessly off your shield of protective light.
FYI, this is the most recent tool I’ve been using for creating safe space. I put myself at the center. The shell is not only a safe space, but I believe it to be an amplifier of some sort as we send out our intentions.
It is a gift from our Star friends:

This joint psychic exercise will begin at 5 pm Pacific Daylight Saving Time. If you can actually sit down for the exercise at that time, great. If not, great. I’m just setting a beacon in time and space for us to get together. Time travel is possible. You can move toward that time as needed. If you’re sitting down later, allow yourself to move to the earlier time. If you’re sitting down earlier, allow yourself to move to the later time. Allow yourself to move into that time and space where we are together. Let yourself experience it.
Before we begin this joint psychic exercise take a few minutes to get clear about your intention. Don’t be cloudy or mushy about what you’re wanting. Be clear and make sure of what you want. If you want world peace, recognize that you need peace in your own life first. Hold onto that thought. See it and feel what that feels like. If you want the freedom to be your truest, highest self and act on that with integrity in all situations then make it your goal to move through your whole life connected to your highest self. If you want a car, be clear about what you want. If you need a particular make and model, so be it. If you want dependable transportation, so be it. Whether it is an intention for the whole planet or something you need in your life today or tomorrow, nothing is too big or too small to ask for. One thing is not more important than the other in this process. It just is. What you want. Be true to yourself and ask for what you need to be happy and fulfilled.
Be clear about your intention and then be open to how the Universe brings it about.
Now that you are clear about what you want, let’s begin the gathering. Give yourself time to enjoy and appreciate the beauty of this experience.
You are safe and comfortable. Breathe. Take a few deep breaths. Pay attention to your breath as it moves in and out. Feel how easy it is to let your body relax into your breathing.
Now let your attention go to your heart center. That is the pathway that connects. Feel yourself sink deeper and deeper into your heart. It is an endless place of love and comfort.
Your body will relax and melt into your surroundings. You are in your heart. Completely safe. Completely loved and loving. Take as much time as you need to reach this state. You may want to go take yourself down a set of stairs or down an elevator to reach full relaxation. It may be useful to count from ten down to one. By the time you reach one you will be feeling really wonderful. Love surrounds you and you float in it. You are deep in your heart center. All your attention is focused there. All outside concerns drop away.
Let yourself enjoy this feeling. It is the comfort of knowing you are completely safe and loved.
Once you have reached a state of deep relaxation, look around with your inner eyes. It may look foggy or cloudy at first, but that will clear and you will likely see a landscape. If you don’t, that’s fine too.
You have something you’ve brought to this place. You’ve brought with you an intention for something to give to yourself. It is your heart’s desire.
Whether you see the landscape or not you will see or feel the beacon that is set for our gathering. Let yourself move toward that beacon. It’s likely you will find that you can fly in this landscape. At least it feels that way. There are no restraints on your movement here. It is free and easy and you can be anywhere you want to be in a heartbeat.
See yourself moving out and away from the room your body is in, higher and higher into the distance toward the beacon. Your friends are there. All are gathering. Everyone thankful for the beating heart that is their own, yet is the one beating heart of Source.
Hold up your intention to the light of Source. Hold it in both hands. Hold it up so it can experience its birth. The birth of your desire. Be thankful and feel the joy of the beginning. Now, let go of your intention and let your desire be known to Source. Release what you want so that it can be made manifest by Source. Feel how much grander than you ever imagined that would be. Stay a bit and enjoy the love and caring of your companions.
When you’re ready to comeback to your body and be fully present in your body, count from one to ten slowly allowing yourself to come back to the present time a place feeling refreshed and bringing back that feeling of being fully loved for who you are. As you count, you will find yourself coming easily back into your body.
If you feel a bit spacey, ground yourself back into your body. One way to do that is by touching your legs and saying, here are my legs. They are here now. Here are my knees, they are here now. And on up as you need. I’ve found that by the time I can get my legs back under me, the rest will be there too.
This exercise may take ten minutes, more likely 20 minutes or maybe 45. You are in charge of that.
Any questions?