(I'm not posting this to debate the pros and cons of the HCR here, but I thought the details contained in this article may be helpful for those of us concerned about the impact on alternative therapy. :))The health care reform bill has passed and many people will be celebrating that, finally, the United States will work to assure every citizen health insurance that cannot be canceled because you change your job, because you get sick, or for any other reason.
Remember this is just a start to the transformation of health care. While all of the things I worked for with my colleagues, Drs. Dean Ornish and Michael Roizen, on Capitol Hill the last year did not make it into the final bill, a few important things did and we can build on that. In fact, in my last meeting with Senator Harkin in December, he assured me that the passage of this bill would be just the beginning of reform and that after it passed we could move on to health care reform 2.0 that addresses more of the underlying issues about not only who is covered but what
is covered.
Those of us who believe in preventive health care, integrated health care, functional medicine, and complementary and alternative medicine have special reasons to celebrate. This bill has provisions that explicitly support these approaches to health care. One of these is the creation of a National Prevention, Health Promotion and Public Health Council, which I testified about before the Senate last February.