a well written explanation
"The main feature of the chart is the Grand Cross, or Grand Square aspect pattern...The key words for the ‘Grand Square’ are: ‘Collective Relator’. The pattern formed by the ‘grand cross’ can be identify as the first architectural structure of places of collective service. ‘Hospitals’ where both a need to pay tribute to the Sponsor or Patron, and to heal the body and the spirit were met. The first Hospital buildings were designed in a ‘Cross -fashion’ : four isles converging in the middle in a perfect Cross-shaped pattern. In the middle of the crossing an alter was built, so that the priest could perform rituals both propitiatory and worshiping. These rituals could be viewed by patients placed at the four arms of the cross.”
This bigger picture was brought up by Mali on our Facebook Page when she mentioned the similarities of this time to the previous major configurations including these planets. 1930/31 with the Great Depression, and the crossroads of 1964/66, when the first Medicare Bill came into effect in the USA. These slow moving planets can represent transperonal issues, what the masses are thinking and feeling. There does seems to have been an influence here because it effects so many people, and the Moon in the chart is very prominent, the feelings of the general population, articulated by their voice, the president."
When I read about the “Baby Killer” remark I immediately thought of astrological Lilith and she is very strong in the signing chart. For a few days including the vote and the signing, asteroid Lilith was the action point of a Yod aspect pattern. Venus sextile Black Moon Lilith (mean Lilith), and for the signing, osculating (true Lilith) was at the reaction point of this Yod, opposite asteroid Lilith. All the females are prominent in the signing chart. Moon is conjunct Ascendant and tightly opposite Pluto, Venus and the Liliths are in the Yod..."
One more very interesting association in this story of the darker side of human nature is Pluto. In ancient Sumeria, our Pluto was a woman. Ereshkigal was queen of the underworld, and she was the sister of Inanna (Venus). Right now, transiting Pluto is conjunct a fixed star in constellation Sagittarius called Kaus Australis. “Quiet in nature with its Venus spectra. Associated with the Goddess Istar.” . Goddess Istar is the Babylonian Ishtar, equivalent of the Sumerian Inanna, our Venus. Ereshkigal, queen of the underworld is visiting her sisters’ star."