I liked this one and thought to pass it on here. The violet thing I can't deal with so much, but I did light some incense.
It's 'National Doctor's Day,' but I thought that instead of talking about those in the white jackets that we could talk about 'doctoring up' your own space so that Health and Happiness and Prosperity (the Three Great Blessings of Feng Shui) can make a house call to your home.
For Health you should specifically place a fresh green and healthy plant in the entryway of your home, one in your living room and another in the bedroom. If any of these plants wilts or dies you should immediately replace it with a larger and healthier one.
For Happiness you'll want to forget about calling Doctor Bombay, but you might want to get some violet incense from the state of that same name. Whether Indian grown herbs constitute the ingredients in the incense or any other variety, violet incense is believed to promote and promise happy thoughts and feelings in both your external and internal environment. Burn it at leisure to boost your mood and lift your spirits.
Now, here's how to perform emergency mouth to mouth on the body of your finances. Say this affirmation three times a day, morning and noon and night, in order to rapidly see an increase and improvement: 'All obligations are now wiped out under grace in perfect ways.' Bringing health and happiness to your bottom line? Your blood pressure just dropped to practically perfect!