Edited on Tue Aug-16-05 10:43 PM by SimpleTrend
if this isn't more due to a perceptual matter. Does your friend feel like he has bad luck? Or is this his friends' perceptual judgement of his luck?
First, and perhaps most simplistically, your friend has Uranus in his first house. Read up on that. He probably really does love that Aquarian girl friend, this could be related to his Uranus in first house eccentricity.
On second look:
Second, there's the Finger of God, or Yod pattern. These point to areas in one's life where things seem 'fated'. Moon is sextile Jupiter, with Saturn on the midpoint, and which in turn opposes Dragon's head, which is where the finger points. A different pattern encompassing some of the same aspects, Saturn opposes Dragon's head (north node), both square Neptune, meaning T-square. Once again, look this up in one of the old-time astrologers texts, "old time" meaning before <snip: self-censored>. Both of these patterns, the Yod and T-square have the common near ascendant/descendant axis, with Neptune near the darkest point of night.
Jupiter is traditionally associated with "luck", usually good luck, but in this chart it also conjuncts Chiron. Is his "luck" "wounded"?
There are also a lot of inconjuncts and semi-sextiles. View the chart in 12th harmonic. As well the 9th harmonic series for noviles and related such as 160 degrees, quatronovile.
Reading someone's chart is really time consuming for me. Just food for your thoughts....
Edited a few times :)