Yesterday when I was going to the library, I had to stop my car in the middle of a somewhat busy street. An old man was walking diagonally across the street. It took him a long time to get all the way across. He was in the middle of the block, nowhere near a crosswalk.
I was not the least bit annoyed. I waited patiently for him. My only concern was that he might be endangering himself, woolgathering, thinking he still lived in a time when it was safe to cross the street in any manner.
I drove up to the next intersection, which is a busy intersection with a four-way stop sign setup. I stopped, looked three ways, and drove on. Before I was halfway through the intersection, a car came barreling through from the left, going 40-50 mph. In town! I barely had time to stop.
If the old man had not delayed me, I could have been badly hurt or killed. I thought at first that there would have been no witnesses.Then I looked to my right and saw that a car had stopped at that stop sign. But that driver could have been involved and hurt, too.
Maybe the old man was an angel.