’t miss this opportunity to make wishes for experiences you’d like to have. Because this New Moon is in the sign of Aries, it’s a powerful time for wishes involving courage, starting new enterprises, and making a new beginning in any area that is important to you: a relationship, a business, a job, a new behavior. Things you may have wanted to happen in your life for a long time can begin easily manifesting through using the boost of this powerful New Moon.
For success, your wishes must be handwritten on paper and ten wishes maximum are allowed on each power day. The most potent time is the first 8 hours AFTER the exact time of the New Moon; within the first 48 hours will still work. The potency continues to exist for another twelve hours, but is weaker.
For clear success, it’s best to avoid wishing during those hours when the Moon is Void of Course. Therefore in April, your most potent times for wishing are: Wednesday, April 14: 8:30 am – 3:22 pm & 6:55 pm – 12 midnight, Thursday, April 15: clear for wishing all day and night, and Friday, April 16: all day and night.