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Rick DiClemente's May Starself Astrology Newsletter

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ricochetastroman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Apr-30-10 03:30 PM
Original message
Rick DiClemente's May Starself Astrology Newsletter

Welcome to the Revolution

It will be more than a rebirth
It will actually be more like a birth

It is the most momentous shakeup I’ve seen in
the planets in my 32 years of doing astrology

From the very fine American astrologer, Richard Tarnas:

Astrology is not concretely predictable and consistent
Astrology is archetypally predictable and extremely consistent

I.e., it tells when and what type of thing will happen.

What exactly is happening with the planets?

Not only are Uranus and Jupiter entering a new sign, but they are triggering the tension that has been mounting for 28 months between Pluto and Saturn.

Uranus is entering a new zodiac at 0° Aries on May 27, 2010. 10 days later, Jupiter will do the same on June 6. These are two wild, expansive, disruptive, fiery, explosive, irrepressible, and energetic planets.

Neither will put up with being limited or restricted.

This does not mean that you will have a distinctive event on that day, although many will

Why is this such a big deal? Because this time, they are not alone.

They are squaring (making a right angle) to transiting Pluto and opposing transiting Saturn in Libra. (see the
above diagram) The TENSION that has been building for 2 years now with Pluto in Capricorn will be TRIGGERED by
this new explosive energy in Aries, the first sign of the zodiac. Aries knows nothing about holding back. Jupiter
and Uranus operate freely and unfettered in the fire sign Aries. This is why you are hearing “talk” of revolution
from all around.

It’s the combination of all four planets that matters

What is this tension all about with Pluto in Capricorn? Pluto entered Capricorn on 1/25/08. It is clear to
see what it has done during that time. I have written in great depth about that in past newsletters and articles.
For much more information, see the 3 articles astrologer Cheryl Crise and I have written at the very top of my web
site at the URL:

Before Pluto arrived in Capricorn, we COULD keep pushing our problems under the rug, both individually and collectively. Now, Pluto (the unearther) is forcing us to deal with them – it has lifted up the rug. No wonder so many scandals have been uncovered. They had been pseudo-safely hiding in the shadows for many years Mr. Madoff et al.

Many of us have found that we have had vested interests in keeping our “old ways” alive – even if they weren’t good for us. We became married to the illusion of the success of our habitual ways. This is why “entities” full of corruption and lack of integrity are falling like dominoes now. You must keep in mind that this is the main background of this whole issue – it’s the backdrop. (Yes, this is why the volcanoes and all the earthquakes too.) Pluto is purging and cleansing us – all of us – planet wide – even Mother Gaia.

It is much more imperative that we focus on ourselves now than pointing fingers at corrupt government, institutions, organizations, etc. While it is imperative and critical that we also clean up those institutions too, we need to start within ourselves. The latter has lead to the former. These background Plutonic rumblings are the MAIN reasons that this whole matter is so huge

What is this tension all about between Uranus and Saturn? Uranus and Saturn have been traveling opposite each other for a few years. Before it’s over, they will have opposed each other 5 times (due to retrograde motions) before they separate. The very first time they opposed each other was ON THE MORNING OF THE ELECTION on Nov. 4, 2008. The fourth time was 4/26/10. The 5th and final time will be in July of this year. Saturn represents the unyielding status quo. Uranus represents the new, ever-changing, novel and innovative energies. Saturn has NO CHANCE against Uranus which is much more powerful. In other words, you can’t hold back evolution.
Within us, we have been facing off between our conservative and liberal halves of ourselves.

What is this tension all about between Pluto and Saturn being square to each other? Since Saturn entered Libra on 10/28/09, it has been trying to deal with Pluto’s huge effect in a sane, productive way. While Pluto has been digging up corruption and disintegration, Saturn has been trying to build anew, mostly with restriction and limitations. This is why we’re seeing new efforts being made towards regulation (Saturn.) Within ourselves, we have been trying to constructively deal with the massive renovation of self during this time.

What does it mean for me? It means that we’ve been relentlessly facing tough issues for 2 years. Now, we have a new chance to start over with a fiery determination to create a WIN for ourselves (Aries)! We will feel like diving in, ready, ready to face, head-to-head (the Ram,) all of our “old” problems with a new start. (This is further defined by the placement of the Aries point (0° Aries) in your natal chart – which “house” it falls in.) That tells us where the geyser will erupt – in what area of your life.

Why does Jupiter and Uranus in Aries mean so much? The last time Jupiter and Uranus entered Aries together was on March 31, 1927. This was not long before the crash of the stock market of 1929. This DOES NOT imply that we are headed for another crash. However, it did bring the world many new revolutions, just some of them are:

  •  The movie, “The Jazz Singer” opened giving us the end of the silent cinema era
     The first transatlantic phone call from New York to London was made
     Charles Lindbergh flies across the Atlantic
     Ford’s model “A” car comes out
     Television is invented
     Josef Stalin takes control of Russia
     Chiang Kai-Shek forms anti-government in China
     Ruth hits 60 home runs in a season
     Socialists riot in Vienna
     Physicist Werner Heisenberg introduces his famed quantum Uncertainty Principle
     Belgian astrophysicist Georges Lemaitre proposes the big bang theory

  • Understanding Jupiter and Uranus: Uranus is a very intense, revolutionary planet. When it ingresses (enters) a new sign, it has a very powerful effect on most things. The last time Uranus changed signs was on 3/10/03 at 3:53pm.

    I can’t begin to tell you how many clients of mine had very significant, liberating (Uranian) events happen in their lives ON THAT VERY DAY AND AT THAT EXACT TIME.

    Note: The Iraq War started 9 DAYS later. Uranus usually hits exactly on the day it lines up geometrically. This does NOT MEAN that all of us are going to have fireworks in our lives on 5/27, but many will. Watch the news during that week and you will see REVOLUTION taking place all across the globe in one form or another.

    Within ourselves IT’S A HUGE NEW BEGINNING.

    What will Uranus and Jupiter “do?” The revolution (birth) is taking place WITHIN US. Uranus will make us feel READY to direct ourselves forward out of the tedium that we have found ourselves in recently. Uranus in Aries is a very “selfish” symbol, and that can be very good. We’ll FEEL like moving on, ready to move on. It’s that simple. And Jupiter will make us FEEL like we’re on track – we’ll feel good about the decision – we’ll feel “Yes, I see light at the end of the tunnel.” Uranus and Jupiter can also be exceedingly selfish if they get out of hand (Saturn.)

    Will the “revolutions” be good or bad? The answer is: both. It’s what we make of it – but, it will be both. It will operate on a global scale, national scale, community scale and more importantly, on an individual scale. It will be a major REBIRTH IF WE ARE READY FOR IT. We must watch the wild, irresponsible side of this combination though. It can be like a fighter who comes out in the first round and expends all of his/her energy in a rapid burst and then burns out prematurely. We must be careful not to project our problems outside of ourselves. The big thing is that we’ll be READY to move forward from our own inner “stuckness.”

    What does Saturn in Libra have to do with all of this? The second significant part of this story is what has happened since Saturn entered Libra on 10/28/09. This made matters much more complex. On the diagram at the top, you can see how Saturn squared or made a right-angle to Pluto. In astrology, this is a very stressful combination, i.e., the fact that the two “transiting” planets are at a right angle. This is happening regardless of the fact that Saturn has temporarily backed up (retrograded) back into late Virgo for a few months. The square is still in effect.Saturn is very powerful in Libra (where it is exalted.) It tries to make things fair, regulated and structured. So, while el Pluto has been very busy in the sign of the Goat and will stay so for about the next 20 YEARS, Saturn is trying its best to rebuild. This is indicated by our country trying to come up with new workable ways of governing and managing many of our institutions. Many have decayed, have grown obsolete, or simply need reworked.

    So, the “destruction” or transformation of Pluto is going on at the same time that Saturn is trying to rebuild. This is also indicated by the stresses we’ve seen recently in the congress - parties trying to work together (Uranus) and parties resisting and dragging their feet (Saturn.) Saturn is what is bringing back the sense of “regulation” rather than deregulation simply because it’s time for it. Saturn “standing up to” Pluto is also greatly symbolized by the health insurance voices standing up to (Uranus) large monolithic corporate giants as well as people standing up to the all-powerful government itself.

    What if Jupiter and Uranus in Aries were “alone?” It would be a much different story, as it was in 1927. The revolution exhibited from these two planets would not be as EXPLOSIVE as they are now because they are setting off Pluto and Saturn. We would feel more of the rebirth and less of the bowling-pins-being-knocked-around effect as they will this time around. This is really going to shake things up – for the “good” and the “bad” even though neither actually exist aside from our own personal mental perspective and labeling.

    What are Uranus and Jupiter doing facing off with Saturn? Uranus always wants Saturn to loosen up. If Saturn does not yield to Uranian forces, Uranus simply cracks the crusty layers that Saturn is trying so carefully to solidify. Saturn forms and coalesces, Uranus cracks and renews; then Saturn comes back in and the cycle repeats endlessly. A time to build; a time to revolutionize. THEY HAVE TO WORK TOGETHER FOR ANY AND ALL ENTITIES TO FUNCTION PROPERLY.

    Jupiter is always trying to get Saturn to “cheer up,” and not take things so seriously.

    What are Uranus and Jupiter doing squaring off with Pluto? Uranus and Jupiter will encourage Pluto to keep doing what it needs to do. Jupiter is the “encourager” or cheerleader.Pluto is digging up disease, weakness, and corruption in order to make the entity stronger and more courageous. If it has to totally destroy and replace something, it will. Jupiter is encouraging that and Uranus is all out for something that suddenly and explosively replaces the “old and stale.” It renews. Uranus really triggers Pluto. There will be much more written about this when the two are in exact square aspect because it will mark a time in world history that will be very pivotal and significant – a revolution. The first exact square between Uranus and Pluto will occur on 6/23/12. The last time they conjuncted was all throughout the 1960’s – does that help you get a handle on this!?

    How long will this last? The Jupiter “encouragement” will last about a year. Uranus’ revolution will last at least 3 years. These eras are not exact; the influences can go on for years.

    What will this feel like? A very complex question. Tedium has been growing ever since Pluto entered Capricorn in Jan ’08. Pluto has been renovating our world, countries, families, and selves. Some of us have made more progress than others with this HUGE rebuilding phase. Uranus is going to make us feel READY to make massive changes. Since it’s happening in Aries, it will make us feel READY to act FOR OURSELVES – OUR OWN SELF-INTEREST. This can be good or bad depending on what we do with these energies. People will be SCREAMING for action. We have to remember that we are the ones that have created this quagmire.Uranus will make us finally feel fed up and ready to do SOMETHING about breaking up the tedium in our lives. What kind of tedium? Any problem, person, situation, or self-created blockages that have been keeping us from being ourselves.

    What are “good” examples of this “revolution?” On a global or national scale: we will feel a desire to FORM ORGANIZATIONS (Uranus/Aquarius) for the betterment of mankind - working together for the good of all. New, creative, innovative ideas will be popping up like crazy. On the individual level: we will be ready to own our individuality. Ready to move on our own accord – self-directed. A personal waking up and revolution or rebirth or birth. Uranus and Jupiter always FREE us so that we are unburdened and unrestricted.

    What are “bad” examples of this “revolution?” On a global or national scale: we will be tempted to revolt violently against the wrong target(s.) This is usually due to projecting our own problems as if they lie outside of ourselves. People will grow FED UP and incredibly IMPATIENT about wanting what they want simply because they want it (Aries!) This will not come out of nowhere. This will occur in areas where there has been a failure to use rational, sensible methods to work things out. Things will simply EXPLODE!

    On the individual level: we will lash out especially towards others that we believe to have been repressing us. Like I said before, this is more likely to happen between people who have been unable to solve the growing pressures in sensible, adult ways. One or both of the parties will simply have reached their limit. “I’ve had it up to here!” Period.

    What are the dangers of this? These are the “Thelma and Louise” transits. This cannot be stated too many times. They took drastic and fatal action in the movie so that they didn’t have to face the music. Uranus and Jupiter work very well together which is another reason this is such a volatile combination. Also, they both can “do their things” well in the self-oriented, fiery sign of Aries. The true danger is over-reacting, being overly selfish, too rash, too radical, and willful - choosing wildness instead of true liberation; opting for freedom but really escaping; deciding to act rashly instead removing yourself from a situation sagaciously with tact.

    What is the upside of this? The positive side will be simply incredible and will take a while to fully get used to. Liberation, independence and an ability to be yourself are the keywords here. We will have a great opportunity to be reborn, to feel a new joie-de-vivre. This new zest for life will give us courage to face these long-held issues symbolized by Pluto and Saturn. Successfully dealing with Pluto means letting go of the past and dropping your ancient emotional baggage. A person who works well with Saturn is one who faces their responsibilities and owns what they need to. These two planets will either symbolize us being up to it and ready or else will separate us from those around us and from ourselves.

    What will likely show up in worldly events? As Pluto and Saturn have been “facing off,” the tension has been mounting in many areas. Therefore, the triggering of Uranus and Jupiter in Aries could “demand action” in any of the following areas. Expect BIG turning points in any one of these and more. “U”=Uranus or Uranian matters; “J” = Jupiter or Jovian matters, “P” = Plutonian matters and “S” = Saturn or Saturnian.

  • o Rebellion (UJ) against authority (S)
    o The desire for smaller (S) government (J)
    o Furor (JU) against Wall Street (PS)
    o Reaction (UJ) against the Drug Companies (P)
    o Restricting (S) lopsided power (PS) of lobbyists
    o Supreme Court (PSJ) siding with corporate (P) and foreign campaign “contributions”
    o Mounting (US) attacks against the Health Insurance Companies (P)
    o Corruption (P) in Government (S) and Business (J) and SEC
    o Stopping or containing (PS) illegal immigration
    o Decay (UJP) of decorum in Congress (S)
    o Incitement (UJP) from hate radio and TV
    o Desire to “return to (SU) the intention of our forefathers (J)”
    o Talk of constitutional changes (SUJ) and friction between States and the Union
    o Doing away with (S) filibustering (J)
    o Catholic Church and Boy Scout sex-abuse scandals (P)
    o Volcanoes, earthquakes, oil leak, off-shore drilling (PS)
    o Climate Change issues (PUS)
    o Stuffing the pockets of our legislators under the table (P)
    o The Green movement (U)
    o Doing away with unregulated activity (S)

  • What we won’t feel: A miracle on the first day. One single event that will sweepingly solve all of our problems.

    What will we feel? We’ll feel ready to change and renew our lives. This is no minor statement. That’s why the entire newsletter is about this one subject. It will be a general attitude of helping ourselves; not waiting for “someone else” to do it for us. To take matters into our own hands. Don’t kid yourself; Pluto has just gotten started with its cleanup and uncovering of corruption and decay. The “patient” can’t get up off the table yet until all the yucky stuff has been excised, uprooted and cleansed.

    Eventually, it will all be OK, it’s what needs to happen.

    It’s a new paradigm!


    For the entire newsletter, go to:

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    Fire Walk With Me Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Apr-30-10 03:59 PM
    Response to Original message
    1. And here I've been poking around in the dark...
    ...when the clear signposts are available in Astrology. Looks like I chose the wrong week to quit sniffing glue. -"Airplane" :rofl:

    Brilliant. Thanks! It will be the perfect time for us to buy loads of popcorn and to watch from the hub of the wheel. For a while.

    And I have a hit on late June 20th and on the 21st. Are there any alignments about that?

    Thanks man!
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    ricochetastroman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Apr-30-10 04:01 PM
    Response to Reply #1
    2. I have no idea what you mean by:
    "And I have a hit on late June 20th and on the 21st. Are there any alignments about that?"

    You're welcome.
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    Fire Walk With Me Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Apr-30-10 04:05 PM
    Response to Reply #2
    3. The date of June 20/21 comes to me as an energetic "hit".
    I'm wondering if Astrology reveals anything on that date.

    I of course can be wrong about that.

    I'm going to have to begin studying Astrology! :hi:
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    ricochetastroman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Apr-30-10 04:17 PM
    Response to Reply #3
    4. Of course, it's a HIT
    The Sun will be crossing into 0deg Cancer, that will trigger: Uranus, Saturn, Jupiter and Pluto, once again!

    The Sun is a massive trigger!
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    Fire Walk With Me Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Apr-30-10 04:20 PM
    Response to Reply #4
    5. Okay, thanks.
    See, I'm wandering in the fog, grasping for meaning, and you have the roadmap and kleig lights right there in front of you. D'oh! :)

    Wonder what will actually occur on that day? Seemingly something.

    And MAN, this is The Stuff we've been waiting for. Want Change? Good. Now are you still so sure? :rofl:

    Peace Rick :hi:
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    ricochetastroman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Apr-30-10 04:46 PM
    Response to Reply #5
    7. I just told you lol
    It won't BRING A SPECIFIC EVENT. It's BIGGER than that. Widen your lens!!! Good luck :hi:
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    Fire Walk With Me Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Apr-30-10 05:14 PM
    Response to Reply #7
    10. Yeah, and at the end of your newsletter I now see
    that the 5/20 thing will be majorly overshadowed by the other days. Wah :cry:

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    WhiteTara Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Apr-30-10 06:09 PM
    Response to Reply #4
    15. all 4 of the "heavy hitters" all at once?
    Like up down and all around at once? Yikes! What a dance that will be.

    Thanks for your insightful comments ( your original post) I am always grateful for your monthly transit guide.
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    ricochetastroman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat May-01-10 12:58 PM
    Response to Reply #1
    23. I suggest that you have not been poking around in the dark
    you simply haven't been READY :hi:
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    Fire Walk With Me Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Apr-30-10 04:41 PM
    Response to Original message
    6. "(Yes, this is why the volcanoes and all the earthquakes too.)"
    "Pluto is purging and cleansing us – all of us – planet wide – even Mother Gaia."


    "And we are in a flurry. All of them are related, energy-wise."
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    BlueIris Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Apr-30-10 04:51 PM
    Response to Original message
    8. Re: Uranus changing signs...for me, it has usually meant a change in the friendship circle.
    Edited on Fri Apr-30-10 04:53 PM by BlueIris
    Friendship groups, of course, are an Aquarius thing. When Uranus entered Capricorn, I moved to a whole new school district, leaving behind the friends I had since pre-school. When it entered Aquarius, I found myself a part of one of those tight-knit high school clicks, which actually managed to hang together guessed it, Uranus entered Pisces. When I made friends with people concerned with the collective, including the spiritual collective (ie; this forum.)

    So, now that it's moving into Aries, um...see ya! Nice knowing you all!


    Sort of.
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    ricochetastroman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Apr-30-10 04:56 PM
    Response to Reply #8
    9. Because your natal Uranus is opposite your Sun...
    just like like mine is. When Uranus activates, it triggers that natal opposition to the Sun. All oppositions infer the 7th house, the house of relationships. That's why, I believe, it affects your "friendships/relationships" so much. I.e., you ready each time to renew yourself via different, new "partners." Very interesting! :hi:
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    BlueIris Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Apr-30-10 06:46 PM
    Response to Reply #8
    16. Dear God. Mercury Rx is killing me. KILLING me.
    I have never made a post with this many typos ever in my life.

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    glowing Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun May-02-10 07:37 AM
    Response to Reply #16
    31. Seriously, why in the world they did a system upgrade at work during this time?
    An hour long install upgrade took 5hrs... AHHHHH. Idiots.
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    Sanity Claws Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Apr-30-10 05:19 PM
    Response to Original message
    11. My birthday is one day off
    Edited on Fri Apr-30-10 05:33 PM by Sanity Claws
    My birthday is 5/26. Does that mean the planetary configuration on 5/27 has special significance for me? I remember I asked you a similar question several months ago when you talked about this configuration way back when. Unfortunately I can't remember your answer or find the thread. :(

    Thanks, Rick
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    Kookaburra Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Apr-30-10 05:32 PM
    Response to Reply #11
    12. That's my brother's birthday as well
    Happy birthday, a few weeks early, in case I forget to tell you.
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    ricochetastroman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Apr-30-10 05:54 PM
    Response to Reply #11
    14. Yes, it will be huge all year for you
    because it'll appear in your "Solar Return" chart for the year. A huge statement of a new rebirth for you, unless you resist it!

    go for it :hi:
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    NuttyFluffers Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat May-01-10 09:38 AM
    Response to Reply #11
    21. me too, i'm one day after! :D
    Edited on Sat May-01-10 09:39 AM by NuttyFluffers
    i'm in the eye of the storm, if you will! :7 i have no idea what will happen to me, but at least my Aries starts in my 7th house -- and that's empty of planets for me. :+
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    ricochetastroman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat May-01-10 01:02 PM
    Response to Reply #21
    24. NF, it's not going to "happen to you"
    You are about to happen to You



    (Astrology is not "OUT THERE")

    People are saying to me, "I can barely 'contain it'" GOOD, don't contain it (you). It's just you that wants out!
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    ricochetastroman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun May-02-10 12:47 PM
    Response to Reply #21
    33. Then 0 degrees
    would be in your 6th house, I believe. :hi:
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    MorningGlow Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Apr-30-10 05:41 PM
    Response to Original message
    13. Is it sick and twisted of me
    to really, REALLY be looking forward to this?

    Ahhhhh I loves me some drama. Stagnation bugs the hell out of me.

    Bring it!
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    BlueIris Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Apr-30-10 06:51 PM
    Response to Reply #13
    17. Nah. I'm really looking forward to watching some political houses of cards
    collapse and scatter. It is way, WAY past time.
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    ricochetastroman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Apr-30-10 06:55 PM
    Response to Reply #17
    18. Yes it is way past time
    and the knuckle-dragging conservs are the Saturns that have no chance except for chafing from Uranus. Some just don't learn from the past. Obama could do exactly what the Reps want and he'd be criticized. They just don't get it. It's gonna get wild.

    It's gonna get wild
    It's gonna get real wild

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    Delphinus Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat May-01-10 06:21 AM
    Response to Original message
    19. Whew!
    I'm excited yet feeling some trepidation at what lies ahead.

    I also have to admit I'm a bit worried about the teabaggers and the faux news followers during this.

    Thank you, Rick - wonderful job. :hug:
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    ricochetastroman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat May-01-10 12:58 PM
    Response to Reply #19
    22. You should be EXTREMELY worried about the Foxhole
    That's why I painted the picture of the possible shadow-side. They have to do their thing. We have to ultimately shake out the truth. And they are entirely built on falsehood. They have too many twisted Scorpio planets in their chart. The truth will out.

    They are very Saturnian too, dragging their feet. Wait till Uranus gets them in its sights.

    I saw a funny article the other day, we should all follow up on. We all need to JOIN IN THE Tea Party (TP) gatherings and carry large signs that say:


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    northernlights Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat May-01-10 08:30 AM
    Response to Original message
    20. thank you Rick
    this is the message I've been waiting for you to deliver. :hug:
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    ricochetastroman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat May-01-10 01:03 PM
    Response to Reply #20
    25. Yahoo! nt
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    Flying Dream Blues Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat May-01-10 02:51 PM
    Response to Original message
    26. Wow, this even exceeded my really high expectations.
    I am excited for the rebirth, even though I know there are dark times ahead that will be necessary for us to get where we need to be. This one affects me very personally so I'm also thinking in terms of a personal rebirth and the courage I need to fully participate.

    Thanks, Rick, you really are a treasure (as James Lipton would say). :)
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    ricochetastroman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat May-01-10 03:15 PM
    Response to Reply #26
    28. Well, thank you very much
    it's the one I've been waiting for for a long time too.
    It's very real.
    It's very global and collective.
    It's very very personal.
    It gives us faith in DOING IT BY OURSELVES as well as working in groups like this one.

    The knuckle-draggers won't be able to withstand the LIGHT

    "And we all Shine On...Like the Moon and the stars and the Sun", like Lennon said :hi:

    Isn't it awesome!? You can feel it. It'll be greater than the '60's feel at times, I think.
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    japple Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat May-01-10 02:54 PM
    Response to Original message
    27. It's even more wonderful than usual, Rick. Many, many thanks.
    This is what I've been waiting to hear (I think). There is so much that is broken, outmoded, no longer serves us. I've been using the analogy of a colonoscopy. The planets are giving us a huge, celestial dose of Moveeprep! (not sure of the spelling on that)
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    ricochetastroman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat May-01-10 03:18 PM
    Response to Reply #27
    29. You are right
    Keep it clear

    Pluto is causing the enema which will take 16 years

    Uranus and Jupiter entering Aries (which I'll refer to as "the Aries point") is triggering our own FIRE into the mix.



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    FirstLight Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat May-01-10 10:52 PM
    Response to Original message
    30. I have waited a few days before diving in...
    and this is Soooo amazingly right on I am ...wowed, just wowed. Once again Rick I love the poetic way you express and explain the changrs afoot... thank you! :loveya:

    as for where my own Aries house is...I see the 7th...patnerships... which has something to do with the Newspaper guys I am teaming up with as well as my own issues of attachment to what I want in relationship (I am currently crushing on a fellow cappie, eeeek!). Big stuff for sure - but I also feel the clearing effect and the calmness about just diggin in (saturn) and just *doing it differently* and being okay with stepping into my empowerment and authentic self.

    thanks for the heads up as far as "rock our world" type dates too... I will be keeping my eyes open!
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    ricochetastroman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun May-02-10 11:52 AM
    Response to Reply #30
    32. Your big clean up
    is caused by Pluto transiting your Venus and your Nadir (4th house cusp). Approaching your Sun. You and I have the same birthday.
    Your ARIES pt is in your 6th house because your 7th starts after 0 degrees Aries.

    Sounds like you're right on track and feeling this new surge of promising renewal, you go girl! :hi:
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    Kookaburra Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun May-02-10 02:27 PM
    Response to Original message
    34. I don't usually want to know, but...
    Okay, what does it mean for me (you still have my chart, right)? Things have already been in extreme upheaval in work and finances and family areas. What other atrocities are there? I thought I had them all covered. I can't read charts -- they confuse me to no end.
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    Delphinus Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun May-02-10 03:28 PM
    Response to Reply #34
    35. I understand, Kookaburra.
    This will fall in my tenth (or my 12th) and neither place is going to be particularly easy.

    Let's work on envisioning what we *want* the end result to be? That will give us something to hold onto when the going gets rough. :hug:
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    Kookaburra Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun May-02-10 03:35 PM
    Response to Reply #35
    36. Thanks Delphinus
    Been working on that exact thing.
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    ricochetastroman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun May-02-10 06:03 PM
    Response to Reply #34
    39. It means that the revolution
    wants loosed from within. It will bring you the confidence to do so. It does NOT represent external events. It starts with you freeing yourself. Yes, it's tough for all of us to do, but it's clearly time. I wish you the very best!

    Upheaval is part of it. But make sure the right stuff is being "upheaved." It's all about a lack of resistance.

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    northernlights Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun May-02-10 04:14 PM
    Response to Original message
    37. if I understand my chart correctly
    than my Aries point will be in my 7th house. Not dating anybody. No business partnerships in the offing that I'm aware of. Oh well. Time will tell :shrug:

    March 2003 was around when I first saw Jade Hill Farm. In one of my "visions" of the near future, last year, I saw myself selling this place during the summer semester and moving in the 7 weeks between then and the start of the fall semester.
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    japple Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun May-02-10 04:27 PM
    Response to Original message
    38. Reminds me of Bob Dylan's song, Everything is Broken on the Oh Mercy album
    Everything Is Broken

    Broken lines, broken strings,
    Broken threads, broken springs,
    Broken idols, broken heads,
    People sleeping in broken beds.
    Ain’t no use jiving
    Ain’t no use joking
    Everything is broken.

    Broken bottles, broken plates,
    Broken switches, broken gates,
    Broken dishes, broken parts,
    Streets are filled with broken hearts.
    Broken words never meant to be spoken,
    Everything is broken.

    Seem like every time you stop and turn around
    Something else just hit the ground

    Broken cutters, broken saws,
    Broken buckles, broken laws,
    Broken bodies, broken bones,
    Broken voices on broken phones.
    Take a deep breath, feel like you’re chokin,’
    Everything is broken.

    Every time you leave and go off someplace
    Things fall to pieces in my face

    Broken hands on broken ploughs,
    Broken treaties, broken vows,
    Broken pipes, broken tools,
    People bending broken rules.
    Hound dog howling, bullfrog croaking,
    Everything is broken.

    Copyright © 1989 by Special Rider Music

    PS: I also love the way R. L. Burnside does this song.
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    ricochetastroman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun May-02-10 06:05 PM
    Response to Reply #38
    40. Great parallel
    yes, the first part is the broken part (Pluto)
    Now, it's time for us to assert our true selves; it'll become much clearer in your heart by 5/27; just watch.

    good luck :hi:
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    OneGrassRoot Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon May-03-10 02:08 PM
    Response to Reply #40
    45. I'm following you...


    Was chiming in to echo the "broken" I "hear" that with my inner voice so often of late. We're all broken in one form or another.

    And that's okay. :)

    But what you just wrote about "it'll become much clearer in your heart by 5/27" -- that brought a tear to my eye. Relief. I'm looking for to the great big exhale. I don't expect perfect, I don't expect nirvana.

    But I have a feeling I will sigh with relief, that there is some movement -- an unstuckness...of the mind, the heart, the soul, the spirit -- coming up soon.

    Thanks, Rick. :hug:

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    rumpel Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon May-03-10 12:21 AM
    Response to Original message
    41. My sleeves are rolled up
    on the personal level.

    On a global or national scale: we will be tempted to revolt violently against the wrong target(s. This sounds like the teabaggers.

    and perhaps the representative of the old rearing it's ugly head like the "Big Spill" and the Car bomb - once the public is informed - change will speed up?
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    ricochetastroman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon May-03-10 01:28 PM
    Response to Reply #41
    42. Indeed it's the teabaggers (TP)
    Speed up is appropriate, more like a revolution. Fasten your seatbelts.

    Selfishness is what to watch out for. They're really not FOR anything. It's mostly sour grapes from watching a SUCCESSFUL PRESIDENT.

    They'd rather have McCain?! :hi:
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    OneGrassRoot Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon May-03-10 02:00 PM
    Response to Reply #42
    43. Was thinking "they" (even though I dislike the us vs. them thing)....

    Was thinking how they -- the current right-wing crowd -- are never part of a solution, they're always part of the problem.

    They need to get the hell out of the way. Enough's enough.

    Suddenly that's my mantra: enough's enough.



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    Fire Walk With Me Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon May-03-10 02:05 PM
    Response to Reply #42
    44. "They're really not FOR anything. It's mostly sour grapes..."
    "...are never part of a solution, they're always part of the problem."

    Ding! :hi:

    "That which a thing is, increases..."
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    Mnemosyne Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed May-05-10 09:53 PM
    Response to Original message
    46. Just wow, rick, wow. Needs kicked to the top! n/t
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    Fire Walk With Me Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu May-06-10 02:29 PM
    Response to Original message
    47. I wish to confirm that the karmic cleansing trend continues.
    And that we must be very certain about what the problem is, not who...the Responsibility lies with each of us. Being honest about such things allows them to leave with ease and grace. Surrendering and asking God's help also works...

    The end result will be beings capable of living in the co-creator energy, manifesting rather easily, without having any monsters in their spring up and eat them alive.
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    Missy Vixen Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu May-06-10 10:00 PM
    Response to Original message
    48. Aries in the fifth house
    Scorpio rising. Libra moon.

    This should be interesting. ;-)

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    ricochetastroman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri May-07-10 12:40 PM
    Response to Reply #48
    49. It's in your fourth
    the home/emotions house
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